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Mono Lisa is a parody of Leonardo da vinci's Mona Lisa.

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Q: The famous painting mono Lisa was made by?
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What are some examples of individualism?

Pursuing personal goals and interests without being influenced by others. Valuing independence and self-reliance in decision-making. Emphasizing personal freedom and rights over collective values. Celebrating uniqueness and individual authenticity.

Is the mono Lisa finished?


What is mono painting?

Mono is short for monochromatic, which means a painting done entirely in the tints and shades of only one color.

Where is the original Mono Lisa kept?

The Mona Lisa (or "La Gioconda") is at the Louvre in Paris.

Why is mono Lisa is the favorite?

she is a favorite because of her smile.

Was the mona Lisa ever finished?

i do believe that the mono Lisa was finished but it was a selfportrate of Leonardo de vinci.

How much was the 'mono lisa' before it got stolen?

10000 dollars

Who are some famous people who had mono?

alot of people have had mono and its alot of signs that tell wide

Is the Louvre famous?

The Louvre is popular because it houses so many renowned works of art. It is also a historical landmark, as it was built on the foundations of a French palace, also known as The Louvre. The Mona Lisa, which was painted by Leonardo Da Vinci, is just one of the masterpieces on display. Now, why the Mona Lisa is popular is a mystery.

What is a painting done is different shades of the one colour called?

Anything created in shades of one color is called "monochromatic" (mono-one, chroma-color). This can be a painting, drawing... even a film.

Do mono Lisa pretty woman in the world?

you are severely mentally disabled. there is an utter lack of coherence and understandability in your question you fat piece of poo.

Does helium made of two or more atoms?

Helium is mono atomic