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It is called Autocomplete.

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Q: The feature in excel will complete text entries as you start to type a new entry in a cell?
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What is auto complete in excel?

Autocomplete is a feature in Excel spreadsheets that is meant to make data entry faster. Autocomplete is done by typing in one cell, clicking on the cell and dragging it downwards. The remaining cells fill with serial numbers and/or letters.

How do you complete an entry using Excel?

press enter

How many items are on the clipboard?

The microsoft office excel clip board can hold up to 24 different entries. These entries can be pasted in to work sheet or even entered in frequently used data.Clip Board also has an auto complete feature so ther eare no limitations.

Which feature allows you to ask excel for a list of entries with the 10 largest or 10 smallest numbers?

The Auto Filter option.

Which Excel's feature is used to correct common mistakes made during text entry?


How do you in spreadsheet or database get a time date stamp for your entries preferably in a 24 hour format?

Excel does not have the ability to time-stamp entries. The only date-stamp you can get is the file date when you save the file. Of course, you could write a macro to record the time of the entry.

What feature in Excel allows you to complete a series when given the first item or defining numerical sequence of the series?

Auto fill

What is a numeric entry called in Excel?

a numeric entry or value

How do you clear cell entries in excel?

Click on the cell and press delete.

Excel recognizes an entry as a value if it is a number or it begins with?

Excel recognizes an entry as a value if it is a number or it begins with one of these symbols: +, -, =, @,#, or $ Rina

Excel aligns date entries at the what side of the column?

Dates are aligned to the right.

What feature used to rearrange data sequence in Excel?

The Sort feature.