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In 1962 on the 26th of April, Ranger IV landed on the moon but was unsuccessful in sending back pictures because of technical faults. This was the first American spacecraft to reach the moon.

The first spacecraft to reach the moon was the Luna 2 from the USSR in 1959 .

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Q: The first American spacecraft to reach the moon's surface was one of the of spacecraft?
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What was the firs American spacecraft to reach the moons surface?

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The first American spacecraft to reach the moons surface was?

Surveyor 1, it was a soft lander built for NASA that would collect surface data for the Apollo Program. It landed on June 2, 1966.

What is the first American probe to strike the moons surface?

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What was the name of the unmanned ship that landed on the moon?

NASA had two different series of unmanned spacecraft that went to the moon during the 1960's. The first was the "RANGER" program. These crafts were designed to crash into the surface of the moon, sending back pictures up to the very last second before impacting on the surface. There were 7 Ranger spacecraft, the first six all failed. Only ranger 7 made it to the moons surface, impacting on July 3, 1964. The "SURVEYOR" series of scpacecraft were designed to land softly on the moons surface, take pictures and test the moons surface, There were 6 surveyor space craft that all landed successfully on the moon. The first was Surveyor 1 on June 2, 1966. NASA had two different series of unmanned spacecraft that went to the moon during the 1960's. The first was the "RANGER" program. These crafts were designed to crash into the surface of the moon, sending back pictures up to the very last second before impacting on the surface. There were 7 Ranger spacecraft, the first six all failed. Only ranger 7 made it to the moons surface, impacting on July 3, 1964. The "SURVEYOR" series of scpacecraft were designed to land softly on the moons surface, take pictures and test the moons surface, There were 6 surveyor space craft that all landed successfully on the moon. The first was Surveyor 1 on June 2, 1966.

What spacecraft landed on mars moons?

The Mariner spacecraft landed on the planet Mars, and the Apollo spacecraft landed on the moon.

Are moons and satellites the same thing?

Yes, if you are talking about natural satellites. Artificial satellites (spacecraft) are not moons.

Who was he first man on the moon?

Neil Armstrong. First foot step on the moons surface

who was the first man on the moon?

Neil Armstrong. First foot step on the moons surface

Is there a hole in the moon's surface?

the holes in the moons surface are where astroids hit the moons surface

How many spacecraft have landed on Saturn?

No spacecraft has landed on Saturn. Only one spacecraft, the Cassini-Huygens mission, has orbited Saturn and studied the planet and its moons extensively before it ended in 2017.