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WWI first tank was called? That is not a question. It isn't even a complete sentence. Therefore I cannot answer it.

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The 'Little Willy' (Mark 1 Tank)

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Q: What was the name of the first tank used in World War 1?
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Tanks first used by who in world war 1?

Were designed by the British and disguised it as a WATER TANK, giving the TANK it's name.

What war was the first tank used in?

World War One.

Who invented the first tank used in World War 2?

The tank was well in use by the start of WWII. They were first developed by the French and British during the First World War.

Name two weapons used in World War I?

tank, aeroplane

What year was the World War 1 tank?

It was first used by the British in 1916.

What country used the first tank in World War 1?

englandAnswerit was used by england. it was first deployed in the battle of somme

What date was the first tank invented?

The first tank was invented by the Brittish in the first world war 1914 - 1918 and used as a weapon in the battle of the somme in July 1916.

When were the first tanks used in World War 1?

The british Mark 1 tank

What country invented the first tank?

Tanks were first developed and used in combat by the British during World War I

Britains first successful nimble tank used in World War 1?

Although the British Mark I tank was the first tank, it was not until the production of the Mark V in 1917 that the tank was more nimble and safe for practical war use.

World war 1 the first modern war was the first time modern inventions such as what 3 inventions were used?

tank, gas, air, machine gun, artillery to name a few

What country used the first tank?

The first country to use the tank was the inventors, the British, in world war one, though during the war the french and Germans made designs too