

The formation of covalent bonds

Updated: 9/18/2023
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The formation of covalent bonds

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Q: The formation of covalent bonds
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What bond formation does covalent use?

covalent bonds

How can a covalent bond break?

covalent bonds can be broken if energy is added to a molecule. this formation of covalent bond is accompanied by energy given off.

What is the role of electrons in the formation of covalent bonds?

The outer shell electrons of the atom form covalent bonds.

What is the type of bond formation in carbon?

The carbon atom forms four covalent bonds.

What is the sharing of electrons between atoms to fill their outer orbitals called?

Formation of covalent bonds.

The transfer or sharing of electrons between elements is called what?

chemical bond formation. Transfer of electron lead to formation of ionic bond and sharing of electron is called as covalent bond

Covalent bonds are the formation of two or more chemicals sharing what A protons B neutrons C electrons?

covalent bond is formed by the sharing of electrons

Why reaction of covalent compound is slow?

Reactions of covalent are slow because the reaction involves first breaking of existing bond and then formation of new bonds.

Why are covalent compounds diverse?

For the elements hydogen and the second period, C, N, O there is possibility for strong pi bonding, with carbon formation of long chains, and with the electronegative element O the formation of hydrogen bonds. All of these elemnts are non-metals and the bonds are almost exclusively covalent.

What are the different types of chemical bonds?

Ionic bonds, Covalent bonds, Hydrogen bonds, Polar Covalent bonds, Non-Polar Covalent bonds, and Metallic bonds.

Is it true or false in the formation covalent or ionic bonds is it the protons that are shared gained or lost?

False -it is the electrons not the protons.

Which type of bond leads to the formation of a molecule?

Covalent bonds occur between the atoms that make up molecules.