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The distance between and the mass of the two bodies are the main determining factors.

Their masses and how far apart they are

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Q: The gravitational force between the moon and earth depends on?
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What forces shape the moon's surface?

meteorites are one force when they impact. However, the key force acting on the moon is the force of gravity. The gravitational force is = G (m1 m2)/r2. Where G is the universal gravitational constant, m1 is the mass of one object, earth let's say, and m2 is the mass another object, say the earth. "r" is the distance between the two objects. The earth mass is larger, which is why it holds the moon in an orbit around itself. But the moon still effects the earth with tidal forces on the oceans and atmosphere.

What has most influence on ocean tides?

The Moon! The moon has a fairly strong gravitational force, and this pulls the water in our oceans from one side of earth to the other as the moon goes around us.

What does carring capacity mean?

Unlimited, the more matter that the earth has, the greater the earths gravitational force, which in turn pulls more matter inwards. If the earth got hundreds of thousands of times the size it is now, then einstiens theory of relativity dictates that if an object is compressed enough, it will collapse into a black hole, thus if the gravitational force became to great, the earth would collapse into a black hole.

How may pounds equals 400 kilograms?

One pound of weight on Earth is equal to 454 grams, and 1,000 grams equal 1 kilogram. Thus, a kilogram on Earth is about 2.2 pounds, so 400 kilos = 880 lbs. Note that a kilogram measures the amount of matter in an object, and pounds measure the amount of gravitational force on an object. So one kilogram on a planet smaller than Earth, (IE, Mercury,) would weigh far less than 1 lb, and a kilogram would weigh much more on a larger planet, like Jupiter.

How do valcanose explode?

Over the years the lava comes through the earth with such force that it comes surging out the top of the volcano.

Related questions

Does the gravitational force vary with the distance between earth and sun?

The gravitational force between the Earth and sun certainly depends on the distance between the Earth and sun. But the gravitational force between, for example, the Earth and me does not.

Why does earth have mare gravitational force than the more?

The gravitational force between two objects depends on the product of their masses.That means (mass #1) times (mass #2).If Mass-#1 is you, then the gravitational force between you and another object depends on the massof the other object.Since the earth has much more mass than the moon, the gravitational force between you and the earth islarger than the gravitational force between you and the moon.(The force also depends on the distance between the two objects. But you should already begetting the idea, without going into the other details.)

What is the relationship between Earth and gravitational force?

Earth has gravity or gravitational force that attracts the moon to the Earth.

What force of gravitational force?

The gravitational force depends on the masses involved and on the distance between them. In the case of an object close to Earth's surface, the force is approximately 9.8 newton per kilogram.

What is the gravitational force between the Earth and your body called?

The gravitational force between the Earth and your body is called weight. Weight is the force exerted by gravity on an object with mass.

Difference between gravitational force and force of gravity?

Gravitational force refers to the attraction between two objects due to their mass, as described by Newton's law of universal gravitation. On the other hand, the force of gravity refers specifically to the gravitational force acting on an object due to the mass of a larger celestial body, such as the Earth pulling objects towards its center. They are essentially describing the same physical phenomenon from different perspectives.

What is the Name of the force of attraction between an object and earth?

gravitational force

What is the force between an object and earth's gravity pulling on it?

The force between an object and Earth's gravity pulling on it is the object's weight. This force is determined by the mass of the object and the acceleration due to gravity (9.8 m/s^2 on Earth). The weight is the product of the mass and acceleration due to gravity: weight = mass × acceleration due to gravity.

Why gravitational force increases when you fly with supersonic speed?

Gravitational force depends only on an object's mass and its distance from the center of the earth. Its speed has no effect on the gravitational force.

What is the force between the earth and a body on earth?

The gravitational constant on Earth is 10 Newtons per kg (well exactly about 9.81 Newtons)

Which force holds Earth in its orbit?

The mutual force of gravitational attraction between the sun and the earth.

At what height in kilometers above the surface of the Earth is there a 4 percent difference between the approximate gravitational force mg and the actual gravitational force on an object?

The 4% difference between the approximate gravitational force and actual gravitational force occurs at a height of around 320 kilometers above the Earth's surface. This is where the effects of gravity and the variations in gravitational field strength start to become significant enough to cause this difference.