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Parthenogenesis. The wikipedia site associated with answers has a good page on this phenomenon as well as on similar reproductive processes that result in offspring with the DNA of only the female parent but still require mating.

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Parthenogenesis. This is a type of asexual reproduction where an egg cell develops into an embryo without being fertilized by a sperm. It is commonly observed in some animals, such as certain insects, reptiles, and fishes.

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Q: The growth and development of an embryo without fertilization is known as?
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How is fertilization different then development of the embryo?

Fertilization is the fusion of a sperm and egg to form a zygote, while embryo development involves the growth and differentiation of cells in the zygote to form an embryo. Fertilization marks the beginning of development, while embryo development encompasses the processes that lead to the formation of a multicellular organism.

What is period of the embryo?

The period of the embryo is from fertilization to 8 weeks of gestation. During this time, the embryo undergoes rapid growth and development, with major organs and body structures forming. By the end of this period, the embryo is referred to as a fetus.

What is the definiton of embryo?

An embryo is the early stage of development of a multicellular organism, specifically before it becomes a fetus. It is formed from the union of sperm and egg during fertilization and goes through various stages of growth and differentiation.

Use the word embryo in a sentence?

The embryo was carefully monitored to ensure healthy growth and development.

An embryo is an organism in its early stages of?

An embryo is an organism in its early stages of development before birth or hatching. It is formed shortly after fertilization of an egg by sperm and goes through various stages of growth and differentiation to develop into a fetus in mammals or a young individual in other organisms.

What develops into the fetus?

A Foetus is formed by the growth and development of an embryo.

An embryo during the late stages of development-?

During the late stages of development, an embryo undergoes rapid growth and further organ formation. At this stage, the major organ systems are well formed, and the embryo is starting to resemble a human fetus. Specialization of tissues and organs continues as the embryo prepares for further growth and development.

A developing organism is called?

An embryo is the term used to describe a developing organism in its early stages of growth and development.

What are the satges of growth and development?

the stages of growth are: gametogenesis fertilization cleavage or segmentation blastulation gastrulation organogenesis

Why does a embryo die if it fails to implant?

If an embryo fails to implant in the uterus lining, it cannot receive the nutrients and support necessary for continued growth and development. Without implantation, the embryo cannot establish a connection with the mother's blood supply, leading to its inability to survive.

What happens 3 months after fertilization?

At 3 months after fertilization, the developing embryo is considered a fetus. During this stage, major organs and body systems continue to form. The fetus also goes through significant growth and development, with features becoming more defined.

What is an organism at the early stage of development called?

An organism in the early stages of its development is an embryo.