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Q: The half-life of isotope X is 2.0 years how many years would it take for a 4.0 mg sample of X to decay and have only 0.50 mg of it remain?
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Related questions

Is it true that the half-life of a radioactive isotope decreases as the isotopes decay?

no, halflife is a constant for each isotope's decay process.

How does the length of the half-life of the element correspond to the radioactivity of the element?

The length of time required for half of a sample of radioactive material to decay

How long will it take half of a radioactive sample to decay?

The length of time depends on the element and isotope, but the point at which half of the sample has decayed is known as the half-life.

What is half life of a isotope?

The half life of an isotope refers to the rate at which a radioactive isotope undergoes radioactive decay. Specifically, it is the amount of time it takes for half of a given sample of a radioactive isotope to decay.

If the isotope have short half lives is that mean that the isotope is in a stable condition?

No. Only radioactive elements have half-lives, the half-life is the time that it will take for half of the atoms in a sample of a radioactive isotope to decay into another element or isotope. This is a constant property of the isotope and does not depend on the sample size. Stable isotopes never decay.

The time required for half of a sample of a radioactive isotope to break down by radioactive decay to form a daughter isotope.?

its called Half-Time...

How do scientists use the halflife of radioactive isotopes to date rocks and fossils?

The basic idea is to compare the abundance of a naturally occurring radioactive isotope within a material to the abundance of its decay products; it is known how fast the radioactive isotope decays.

How do you identify beta decay?

A sample of 187 rhenium decays to 187-omium with halflife of 41.6 billion years. If all 188 osmium are normalized isotopes.

A substance is the time required for half the atoms in a sample of a radioactive isotope to decay?

The time it takes for half the sample to decay is called the half-life.The time it takes for half the sample to decay is called the half-life.The time it takes for half the sample to decay is called the half-life.The time it takes for half the sample to decay is called the half-life.

Is it possible to determine exactly when a particular unstable isotope will begin to decay?

No. The time it will take for an individual unstable atom to decay is completely random and impossible to predict. However, because there are so many atoms in a sample (6.02x1023 in one mole) it is possible to observe the half-life of the atoms. The half-life is the time that it will take for half of the atoms in a sample of a radioactive isotope to decay into another element or isotope. This is a constant property of the isotope and does not depend on the sample size.

How long will it take a g sample of bismuth to decay such that 2.0 g of the element remains?

You forgot to say that isotope is.

The time it takes for 50 percent of the nuclei in a radioactive sample to decay to its stable isotope is called?

the half-life