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The heating of the lower layer of the atmosphere from radiation absorbed by certain heat-absorbing gases is called the greenhouse effect. Water vapor and carbon dioxide are the two most important heat absorbing gases in the lower atmosphere.

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The Greenhouse Effect.

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It is called the greenhouse effect.

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Q: The heating of the lower layer of the atmosphere from radiation absorbed by certain heat-absorbing gases is called?
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The heating of the lower layer of the atmosphere from radition absorbed by certain heat absorbing gases is called?

The Greenhouse Effect.

How does the atmosphere insulate the earth?

The Earth's atmosphere acts as an insulating layer primarily through the greenhouse effect. Here's how it works: Solar radiation: The Sun emits a wide spectrum of electromagnetic radiation, including visible light. This energy reaches the Earth as sunlight. Absorption and reflection: Some of the incoming solar radiation is absorbed by the Earth's surface, warming it. The rest is reflected back into space by the surface and clouds. Infrared radiation: The warmed Earth's surface emits heat in the form of infrared radiation. Greenhouse gases: Certain gases in the Earth's atmosphere, such as carbon dioxide (CO2) and water vapor (H2O), are called greenhouse gases. They are transparent to incoming sunlight but can absorb and re-radiate some of the infrared radiation emitted by the Earth's surface. Thermal trapping: Greenhouse gases trap some of the re-radiated infrared heat, preventing it from escaping into space. This process raises the temperature of the lower atmosphere, acting like a blanket that keeps the Earth warmer than it would be without an atmosphere. This natural greenhouse effect is essential for maintaining a stable climate and temperature on Earth. However, human activities, such as the burning of fossil fuels, have increased the concentration of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere, enhancing the greenhouse effect and leading to global warming and climate change.

How greenhouse gasses can be absorbed?

Greenhouse gases absorb infra red radiation (heat) coming back up from the warmed earth. They hold this heat, and in turn warm up the air around them, as well as warming the earth's surface again.

Explain the atmospheric process that creates the greenhouse effect?

Greenhouse gases in the atmosphere, such as carbon dioxide, methane and water vapour, capture heat rising from the surface of the earth. This warms the atmosphere and the earth. This is a natural process that has been going on for millions of years. (Since the Industrial Revolution, more than 200 years ago, we have been burning fossil fuels (coal, oil and natural gas) in industry, transport and the generation of electricity. This has released long-hidden carbon dioxide (CO2) which is building up in the atmosphere and causing Global Warming.

How does the angle of the sun's radiation affect the climate of at certain latitude?


Related questions

What is the heating lower layer of the atmosphere from radiation absorbed by certain heat absorbing gases is called?

The Greenhouse Effect.

What is the heating of the lower layer of the atmosphere from radiation absorbed by certain heat absorbing gases called?

The Greenhouse Effect.

The heating of the lower layer of the atmosphere from radiation absorbed by certain heat-absorbing gases is call what?

The process you are describing is called the greenhouse effect. It involves certain heat-absorbing gases in the atmosphere trapping heat from the sun, leading to an increase in temperature in the lower layer of the atmosphere.

What is The heating of the lower layer of the atmosphere from radiation absorbed y certain heat absorbing gases is called what?

The heating of the lower layer of the atmosphere from radiation absorbed by certain heat-absorbing gases is called the greenhouse effect. This process traps heat in the Earth's atmosphere, leading to global warming and climate change.

How does the earth's atmosphere protect living organism from certain types of electromagnetic radiation?

be far from those radiation

How much solar energy is absorbed and how much is reflected from the earth's surface?

Roughly 70% of solar energy is absorbed by Earth's surface and atmosphere, while about 30% is reflected back into space. This balance is important for regulating Earth's temperature and sustaining life on our planet.

Absorption of infrared radiation in the skin?

Infrared radiation penetrates through the tissue and is also absorbed by different molecules. It is strongly absorbed by certain pigments and blood which determine the skin color, the multi-colored irises and the white of our eyes.

The heating of the lower layer of the atmosphere from radition absorbed by certain heat absorbing gases is called?

The Greenhouse Effect.

What is mean by thermoluminescence?

Thermoluminescence is the process by which certain materials emit light when heated after being exposed to ionizing radiation. This phenomenon is often used in scientific research and dating methods, such as in archaeology to date pottery or in dosimetry to measure radiation exposure.

Without the ocean would the sky be blue?

The color of the sky is primarily due to the scattering of sunlight by the Earth's atmosphere, specifically by gas molecules and small particles. While the ocean does play a role in reflecting blue light, the sky would still appear blue without it, as this phenomenon is mainly attributed to the atmospheric elements mentioned.

What type of radiation does the earth emit?

Its the thermal energy that the Earth emits. Radiation is essentially another word for heat. There is also solar radiation which is simply the heat from the sun. The Earth actually emits far less thermal energy than what is taken in from by the sun and absorbed into the atmosphere. On the other hand there are planets like Jupiter whose surface temperature is mostly comprised of heat from thermal energy instead of solar radiation.

How does the atmosphere insulate the earth?

The Earth's atmosphere acts as an insulating layer primarily through the greenhouse effect. Here's how it works: Solar radiation: The Sun emits a wide spectrum of electromagnetic radiation, including visible light. This energy reaches the Earth as sunlight. Absorption and reflection: Some of the incoming solar radiation is absorbed by the Earth's surface, warming it. The rest is reflected back into space by the surface and clouds. Infrared radiation: The warmed Earth's surface emits heat in the form of infrared radiation. Greenhouse gases: Certain gases in the Earth's atmosphere, such as carbon dioxide (CO2) and water vapor (H2O), are called greenhouse gases. They are transparent to incoming sunlight but can absorb and re-radiate some of the infrared radiation emitted by the Earth's surface. Thermal trapping: Greenhouse gases trap some of the re-radiated infrared heat, preventing it from escaping into space. This process raises the temperature of the lower atmosphere, acting like a blanket that keeps the Earth warmer than it would be without an atmosphere. This natural greenhouse effect is essential for maintaining a stable climate and temperature on Earth. However, human activities, such as the burning of fossil fuels, have increased the concentration of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere, enhancing the greenhouse effect and leading to global warming and climate change.