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Q: The illegal use of political influence for personal gain is?
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What the illegal use of political influence for personal gain is called?


What is the illegal use of political influence for political gain called?


The illegal use of political influences for personal gain is called?


What is the illegal use of political influence for personal gain?


What is election fraud and graft?

using fake names, party faithfuls cast as many votes as were needed to win(election fraud). Graft is the illegal use of political influence for personal gain

What are bribes?

Bribes are payments or gifts given to someone in a position of authority or power in order to influence their actions or decisions in favor of the giver. Bribes are often illegal and can lead to corruption, unfair advantages, and damage to the integrity of institutions.

What tactics did bosses and political machines use to gain control of governments?

it used legal and illegal methods

What tactics did bosses and political machines use to gain control of local governments?

it used legal and illegal methods

Why did the shoguns want the isolation of japan?

They feared Europe was using religion to gain political influence.

How does marital status affect political socialization?

Political socialization involves the study of how people gain certain attitudes and behaviors involving political parties. When someone is single, their ideas are mostly influenced by the media, but when someone is married, their spouse holds greater influence.

Which is the main concern of an interest group as compared to a political party?

An interest group's main concern is to advocate and lobby for specific policies or issues that align with its members' interests, whereas a political party's main concern is to win elections and govern. Interest groups focus on shaping policy outcomes and influencing decision-makers, while political parties focus on representing a broad spectrum of issues and ideologies to appeal to voters.

What is your own personal gain?

One's own personal gain is known as self-interest.