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Convergent evolution, where unrelated organisms independently evolve similar traits to adapt to similar environments or ecological niches. This occurs due to similar selective pressures driving specific adaptations, leading to the development of analogous structures or functions in different lineages.

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Q: The independent evolution of similar traits in organisms is caused by?
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What role do organisms play in their evolution?

Organisms play a key role in their own evolution through natural selection. Individuals with traits that increase their fitness are more likely to survive and reproduce, passing on those beneficial traits to their offspring. This process of natural selection drives evolutionary changes in a population over time.

What mechanism did Charles Darwin believe caused evolution?

Charles Darwin proposed that natural selection was the mechanism responsible for evolution. This idea suggests that organisms with advantageous traits are more likely to survive and reproduce, passing on those traits to future generations, leading to gradual changes in populations over time.

What causes diversity of organisms?

The diversity of organisms is primarily caused by the process of evolution through natural selection, genetic mutations, and environmental factors. Different species have adapted to various habitats and ecological niches over millions of years, leading to a wide range of characteristics and traits. Additionally, factors such as geographic isolation, reproductive barriers, and genetic drift also contribute to the diversity of organisms.

What The work of which scientist caused controversy that still exits today?

The work of Charles Darwin, particularly his theory of evolution by natural selection, caused controversy during his time and continues to be a point of contention between proponents of evolution and those who advocate for creationism or intelligent design. The debate between evolution and creationism is still ongoing in various contexts, such as education, public policy, and religious beliefs.

The evolution of what biochemical processes changed the physical nature of the earth in such a way that most original life forms had to adapt radically or become extinct?

The evolution of oxygenic photosynthesis by early cyanobacteria around 2.4 billion years ago significantly altered Earth's atmosphere by increasing oxygen levels. This sudden rise in oxygen caused a mass extinction event as many anaerobic organisms were unable to survive in the new oxygen-rich environment. Life forms that adapted to aerobic metabolism thrived, leading to the diversification of more complex organisms.

Related questions

What role do organisms play in their evolution?

Organisms play a key role in their own evolution through natural selection. Individuals with traits that increase their fitness are more likely to survive and reproduce, passing on those beneficial traits to their offspring. This process of natural selection drives evolutionary changes in a population over time.

How can you believe in evolution and god?

You can believe evolution was caused by God and he controls it.

How might global warming the evolution of living things?

Those organisms that had variations which caused to survive and be reproductively successful in the changing environment world fulfill the definition of evolution. The change in allele frequency over time in a population of organisms. Perhaps new species would arise from this change and perhaps not. Time and environment would tell.

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What mechanism did Charles Darwin believe caused evolution?

Charles Darwin proposed that natural selection was the mechanism responsible for evolution. This idea suggests that organisms with advantageous traits are more likely to survive and reproduce, passing on those traits to future generations, leading to gradual changes in populations over time.

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Is fungus caused by bacteria?

Fungus is not caused by bacteria. Fungi are a separate group of organisms that are more similar to plants than bacteria. Bacteria are different microorganisms that can sometimes interact with fungi in the environment.

Diseases caused by micro organisms?


Are infections caused by micro organisms?


Can a broken leg be caused by micro organisms?

no it is not

Is getting smarter evolution?

It could be, if it is caused by genetically inherited factors.

What is variation in evolution?

A variation of a gene is called and allele. Different alleles are caused by mutations.