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Least resistance (Darwin) or Pleasure principle ( Freud). it is not called a law but a Line of least resistance- as Darwin (evolved) the term.

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Q: The law that says that human being seek pleasure and avoid pain is the law of?
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Is Daniel Radcliffe really ill these days?

Oh yes. Very much so. He works out in the gym when he has time. He is in very fine form.

A metaphor simile Hyperbole and Personification from private peaceful with page numbers?

"the pain felt like i was being shot, i didn't want to say goodbye to Charlie"

Does katniss trip and fall after being stung?

No. The venom from the tracker jacker is known to cause hallucinations and searing pain. She was overcome by the venom, so that's why she passed out

What type of painter was Jose Clemente Orozco?

he was mainly a muralist. but still did paintings as well. he prefered to paint about the human after the Mexican revolution War, and about their pain and suffering. he painted dark pictures. go and type it in on Google image search :)

Why does Marc Matthew schneiderman resort to youth violence?

Well Marc Matthew Schneiderman was never loved by his parents so he took out his blind gay rage on others. he lacks friendship from anyone and anything his bestfriend is his right hand its the only one that can give him pleasure. The only pleasure he has ever had is looking at naked pictures of his cat in a one piece thong. after the crusades marc matthew developed a raging fetish for pregnant men with abnormal large testicular tumors as he enjoys cradling them like small children in an oven which is also his favorite meal. first he skins the children with a tooth brush and boils them alive with added vinegar for that extra pain that gives him the pleasure he craves of all because he needs his mothers love. the only love hes ever contracted from her is hugging her dead body after he had quite the temper tantrum.

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People who seek pleasure and avoid pain are referred as what?


Human beings are motivated by two things according to psychologists what are they?

Psychologists suggest that human beings are primarily motivated by seeking pleasure or avoiding pain. This means that individuals are driven to pursue activities that bring pleasure or positive outcomes, while also working to avoid situations that cause pain or negative consequences.

Who taught people should seek out pleasure and try to avoid pain?

The philosophy of hedonism taught that people should seek pleasure and avoid pain. This idea was popularized by philosophers such as Epicurus and later by Jeremy Bentham and John Stuart Mill in utilitarianism. Hedonism suggests that maximizing pleasure and minimizing pain is the ultimate goal in life.

Who is the creator of hedonistic concept?

Modern hedonism was defined in 1789 by Jeremy Bentham in "An Introduction to the Principles of Morals and Legislation."The basic premise of hedonism is that the human psyche and actions are ruled by pain or pleasure. If a person eats, it is to avoid the pain of hunger or to gain the pleasure of taste. If a person gives "sacrificially" to charity, it is to gain the internal pleasure of having helped. If a person painfully sacrifices certain pleasurable activities through religious belief, it is to avoid a perceived future pain of punishment or guilt.

Which philosophe said Mankind is governed by pleasure and pain?

The philosopher who said this statement is Epicurus. He believed that all human behavior is driven by the pursuit of pleasure and the avoidance of pain.

What did Epicureans teach?

Epicureans taught that the highest goal in life is to seek pleasure and avoid pain, with pleasure defined as the absence of physical and mental suffering. They emphasized living a simple and self-sufficient life, free from anxieties and unnecessary desires, in order to achieve a state of tranquility and contentment.

Who is the philosopher who said man is lazy?

The philosopher who said "man is lazy" was Arthur Schopenhauer. He believed that human beings have a propensity for idleness and are often driven by a desire to avoid pain and seek pleasure.

To be a person a human being must be conscious and able to feel pain Therefore a human being that is not conscious and unable to feel pain is not a person?

A person does not have to be either conscious or able to feel pain to be considered a human being.

What is the meaning of Pain in Pleasure by Elizabeth Barrett Browning?

"Pain in Pleasure" by Elizabeth Barrett Browning explores the idea that true pleasure can be found within moments of pain or suffering. The poem suggests that experiencing hardship or challenges can deepen one's appreciation for joy and happiness, highlighting the complex and intertwined nature of human emotions.

What is the antonym of the word pain?

comfort, health, well-being, happiness, joy, cheer, pleasure

What does it mean that memory comes with pleasure and pain?

It means that memories have the ability to bring both positive emotions (pleasure) and negative emotions (pain) when recalled. Memories associated with joy, love, and success can bring pleasure, while memories tied to loss, trauma, or failure can bring pain. This duality in memory reflects the multifaceted nature of human experience.

What is the difference between a sadist and a masochist?

A sadist derives pleasure from inflicting pain or humiliation on others, while a masochist derives pleasure from experiencing pain or humiliation themselves. Essentially, a sadist enjoys being dominant and causing harm, whereas a masochist enjoys being submissive and receiving harm.