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Q: The locomotion of insects to the source of light is called?
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What is a small light source called?

A small light source is called a flashlight or a torch.

What is it called for insects to be attracted to light?


What is a ray given off a light source called?

A ray emitted from a light source is called a light ray. It represents the path that light travels in a straight line from the source in a specific direction.

What is a source of the Moon's light called?

Our sun is the source.

Are night insect attracted by heat or light?

There are various experiments that you can do for why insects are attracted to light and heat. Experiments can be done at night with a light source and heat source in boxes to see which one attracts more insects.

Is firefly a natural source of light?

Yes - the luminescence is produced by a chemical reaction within the insects body.

How is light from a hot source different to light from a cool source?

When hear energy is converted to loght energy it is called hot source of light (sun light). when light source is produced from (generally reflected light, moon light) a cooler object.

What is the thing called that provides light for a microscope?

Light source, can be mirror or electric light.

What reflects the light on to the specimen?

The mirror, which can also be called the light source. It reflects the light.

What is it called when color appears to change with light?

This phenomena is called metamerism. It occurs when two colors appear to match under one light source but not under a different light source.

What is it called when you have an uninterrupted path from a power source to a light bulb?

It is called a closed circuit. This means that the electricity can flow continuously from the power source to the light bulb and back again.