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It is about 200 million years

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2d ago

The maximum age for oceanic crust is around 200 million years old. This is because the process of seafloor spreading results in older crust being recycled back into the mantle at subduction zones.

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Related questions

How does the age of oceanic crust compare to the age of continental crust?

Oceanic crust is generally much younger. New ocean crust is constantly being formed.

What is the average age of oceanic crust?

The oceanic crust is the outermost layer of the lithosphere of the Earth. Scientists have estimated that its average age is around 200 million years.

How is the oceanic crust recycled?

Convection in the mantle helps to recycle the oceaniccrust, not all of Earth's crust. There are two different parts to the crust. Oceanic and Continental. The Oceanic gets recycled, so when Scientists measure the age of the rocks, they're young.

Oceanic crust is lighter than the continental crust?

No, the oceanic crust is denser. That's why the land areas "float" so much higher than the ocean bedrock.

What is oceanic-oceanic subduction?

Oceanic crust sinking under a plate with continental crust

Where are the youngest portion of Earth's crust found?

The youngest parts of the Earth's crust are found in the oceanic crust. This crust is continuously being created at the mid-oceanic ridges.

What does it mean if the oceanic crust 0?

the oceanic crust is 0.

Is the oceanic crust felsic or mafic?

Oceanic crust is mafic.

What crust is more dense oceanic or continental crust?

Oceanic crust is significantly denser.

What layer of crust averages 25 miles in thickness?

Continental crust.

What is the difference between the continental crust and the oceanic?

Continental crust is much older, granitic in nature, and less dense than oceanic crust which is composed of basaltic rock. Oceanic crust is in a constant state of creation and destruction through the processes of plate tectonics. Oceanic crust is also considerably less thick than continental crust.

What is continental and oceanic crust?

The continental crust is the land. The oceanic is under the ocean.