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Q: The meaning of Bay in social studies?
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It is a vague term meaning geographical area.

Define the word bay in the social studies term.?

In social studies, a bay is a body of water partially enclosed by land. Bays are generally larger than coves but smaller than gulfs. They provide shelter to ships from strong winds and waves.

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Social Studies is the English meaning for the unscrambled name tloaiSsdeSuic.

What is meaning of labour economics?

A social science that studies and examines allocation of labour as a scarse resource and studies how to maintain it.

What is the meaning of the word sose?

SOSE stands for Studies Of Society and Environment. Others may know this subject as Social Studies or Humanities.

What is int social studies?

Int social studies is short for international social studies.

Is social studies a proper noun?

When it is the name of a course or part of a book title, Social Studies is a proper noun. For most other uses, social studies is a common noun. Example uses: Your school requires that you take a social studies course each year. I get my highest grades in social studies. You must take Social Studies I and Social Studies II, but Social Studies III is optional.

Is the correct term you teach Social Studies or you teach social studies?

social studies subjects are never capitalizied

What is the meaning of plateau in social studies?

An elevated comparatively level expanse of land

What is the social studies definition of caravan?

what is a caravan in social studies

When was Social Studies of Science created?

Social Studies of Science was created in 1971.