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One of the primary causes of female infertility is failure to release an egg cell. The human ova grow from primitive germ cells.

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Q: The most common cause of female infertility is failure to release an?
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What is the most common female cause of infertility?

The most common causes of female infertility are ovulatory disorders and anatomical abnormalities such as damaged fallopian tubes. Less frequent causes include, for example, endometriosis and hyperprolactinemia.

What has the author Gerard S Letterie written?

Gerard S. Letterie has written: 'Structural abnormalities and reproductive failure' -- subject(s): Abnormalities, Evidence-Based Medicine, Female Generative organs, Female Genital Diseases, Female Genitalia, Female Infertility, Generative organs, Female, Genital Diseases, Female, Genitalia, Female, Infertility, Female, Physiopathology

What are Four causes of female infertility?

The most common causes of female infertility are ovulatory disorders and anatomical abnormalities such as damaged fallopian tubes. Less frequent causes include, for example, endometriosis and hyperprolactinemia.

What is the name of a specialist in diagnosing and treating diseases and disorders of the female reproductive system?

Sometimes a experienced gynecologist, who have done a course in infertility treats the common disorders. You also have the gynecologist, who have done super specialization in infertility, who treats the problems with female infertility.

Can you do anything about a female lying about infertility?

This is her choice

What are common causes of female infertility?

On the female side, infertility may be caused by a lack of ovulation (anovulation), blocked fallopian tubes, or inability of an embryo to implant and establish a pregnancy in the uterus. Infertility often results from combination of several problems on both the male and female sides.

Which optionts treat female infertility?

whict options treat female infertiliy

Is Infertility just a female's problem?

No, Infertility is not always a female's problem. Both females and males can have problems that cause Infertility. About one-third of Infertility cases are attributed to females' problems. Another one-third of fertility problems are attributed to the males' issues. The other cases are caused either out of a mixture of male and female problems or out of unknown problems.

How do people treat infertility?

For most cases of infertility the first course of action is to find out if it's male or female infertility or both. The second is to give fertility medication to the person suffering from infertility. If that doesn't succeed some sort of artificial insemination occurs usually IUI then IVF the ICSI.

What can pelvic adhesions cause?

can interfere with the functioning of the ovaries and fallopian tubes and are among the common causes of female infertility. Adhesions on the ovaries or fallopian tubes can prevent pregnancy by trapping the released egg

What has the author Charles Mazer written?

Charles Mazer has written: 'Diagnosis and treatment of menstrual disorders and sterility' -- subject- s -: Female Infertility, Menstruation disorders, Shock, Menstruation, Diseases, Infertility, Women