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threat to strike

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Q: The most powerful tool a union possesses is?
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What is the most powerful tool a union possesses?

the threat to strike

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By and large, open-market operations comprise the most powerful tool the Fed has to influence monetary policy.

What is the most powerful tool that any scientist can have?

the scientific method.

Why is the microscopes considered as a powerful tool?

Because it is a powerful tool.

The most powerful statistical tool to analyze variation in most processes is a?

flow chart

Most powerful tool the Europeans had in conquering the Americas?

Foreign Disease.

What is the most powerful ouija board?

The board itself has no "power": it's simply a tool. It's the person using the tool that has the "power."

What is the most powerful tool in minecraft to kill a zombie?

if it is not full version, then it is an axe i guess

What is the powerful tool that makes the US Army unique?

The technology is the powerful tool the difference beteween technology in countries makes them powerful or not.

Is the body a powerful tool?


Why would the soviet union be interested in placing missiles in cuba?

If the Soviet Union was successful in stationing missiles in cuba they would have had a powerful tool to impact American actions due to the proximity of them to the U.S. They felt threatened by US missiles already in Turkey.