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Q: The movement of water is like the flow of the electricity Electricity must have a complete path for the flow. This movement is called?
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The movement of water is like the flow of the electricity. Electricity must have a complete path for the flow. This movement is called?


The movement of electricity along a is called a?

The movement of electricity is a current. It is when positive and negative particles flow against each other. This produces electricity.

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The movement of water is like the flow of the electricity. Electricity must have a complete path for the flow. This movement is called?

What is the path which electricity travels called?

The path of electricity is called a circuit.

What is the movement of static electricity into an object called?

The movement of static electricity into an object is called "electrification" or "charging." This occurs when the excess charge is transferred from one object to another due to the presence of an electric field.

What is the complete path for electricity is called?


What is a type of machine that makes electricity?

A machine that makes electricity is called a generator. Generators use electromagnetism to convert physical movement into electricity.

What is the movement electricity called?


What you call electricity is really just the movement of?

Electrons bumping into each other transferring energy called electricity.

What is the name of a material is electricity called?

The movement of electricity through a material is called electrical conductivity. Materials that allow electricity to flow easily are known as conductors, such as metals like copper and aluminum.

A path that electricity can move through is called?

the complete path that electricity can move through is called

The complete path that electricity can move through is called an?
