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Water cycle.

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Q: The movement of water within the hydrosphere is the?
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What is the term for the movement of water from one part of the hydrosphere to another and back again?

The water cycle is the term for the movement of water from one part of the hydrosphere to another and back again.

Describes the movement of water through Earth's hydrosphere?

hydrologic cycle

What cycles tracks the movement of the hydrosphere?

The hydrological cycle tracks the movement of the hydrosphere. This cycle involves the continuous circulation of water among the atmosphere, land, and oceans through processes like evaporation, condensation, precipitation, and runoff. It is crucial for maintaining Earth's water balance and supporting life on the planet.

The movement of water from the atmosphere to the earth and back to the atmosphere again is the hydrosphere cycle?

False. Its the Water cycle.

How much of the earth is coverd by the hydrosphere?

The hydrosphere refers to all the water on (and within) the surface. Earth's hydrosphere covers approximately 75% of the Earth's surface, which is equivalent to an area of about 361,000,000 km2.

What consists of all the earth's water on the surface in the ground and in the air?


What is the hydrosphere predominantly made out of?

The hydrosphere is predominantly made out of water, primarily in the form of oceans, seas, lakes, rivers, and other bodies of water. Water molecules, composed of hydrogen and oxygen atoms, make up the vast majority of the hydrosphere.

How does water through the hydrosphere?

Rain and water cause water to move throughout the hydrosphere.

Why does the water in the hydrosphere generally stay the same?

The water from the hydrosphere is permanently evaporated.

What are the interactions between the atmosphere and hydrosphere?

When water (hydrosphere) evaporates it rises into the air (atmosphere)

How water move through the hydrosphere?

Rain and water cause water to move throughout the hydrosphere.

Is the water in the air apart of the hydrosphere?

No, water in the air i.e. water vapor which is a part of the atmosphere not the hydrosphere.