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The part of the tooth that is visible above the gum line is called the crown. This is the part of the tooth that is typically covered with enamel and is responsible for chewing food.

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Q: The part of the tooth that is visible above the gum line is called what?
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The part of the tooth visible above the gum-line?

The part of a tooth that is exposed and above the gum is called "crown", not to confuse with a crown that is prothesis to restore a heavily damaged tooth. The part of a tooth that is hidden inside the bone is called "root".

Which part in your mouth has root?

The tooth root is the part of the tooth that is embedded within the jawbone and anchors the tooth in place. It is located beneath the gum line and connects to the crown of the tooth, which is the visible part in the mouth.

What is the difference between supragingival and subgingival?

Gingival pertains to the gums. supragingival pertains to the tooth surface above the gum line, and subgingival pertains to the tooth surface below the gum line or neck of the tooth.

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The line above the total is called the subtotal. It is referred to as above-the-line. It does not include deductions or taxes.

How do animals teeth grow?

The teeth in animals grow by eruption - the tooth is fully formed in the jaw and over the animal's life it is slowly forced out of the jaw where it is visible above the gum line. This is why very old animals may be missing some or all of their teeth - the entire tooth has been used and has fallen out of the socket.

What is the top of the tooth-the part you can see?

Your teeth are fixed to your jawbone in your mouth. They sit in a curved line along your top and bottom jaws. The white part of your tooth that you can see when you smile or open your mouth is called the crown. Some of your tooth is hidden under the skin (gum) in your mouth. This is called the root and you cannot see this in your mouth. The white covering on your tooth is called enamel. Dental enamel is strong and helps to protect the tooth. Dental enamel is the hardest thing in your whole body.For further information, go to The British Dental Health Foundation link.

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The line on a mountain above which trees do not grow is called the tree line. It is sometimes called the timber line as well.

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The portion of the tooth that is normally visible above the gum-line is called the crown and the portion below the gum line is called the root . As we move closer to the tip of the crown, we say we are moving coronally and as we move closer to the tip of the root we are moving apically . The crown is covered with a thin coating of non-living, nonporous enamel which is the hardest substance in the body. Underneath the enamel of the crown is a living tissue called dentin .

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In general it can be called a single frequency or a single wavelength. In the infrared, visible, and ultraviolet bands it can be called a spectral line. In the visible band it can be called monochromatic.

What is the line on a mountain above which its to cold for trees to grow called?

The line on a mountain above which its to cold for trees to grow is called the tree line.Not tree line it's timberline!

What is the line on a mountain above which it is to cold to grow trees called?

The line on a mountain above which its to cold for trees to grow is called the tree line.Not tree line it's timberline!

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It is called a Vírgula