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This is an orbit.

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Q: The path an object takes around another object is called an?
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The path that an object takes around another object?


What is the path an object takes as it revoves around another object?


What is the amount of time an object takes to move around another object?

The time it takes for an object to move around another object depends on the speed of the moving object and the size of the orbit. It can be calculated using the object's orbital velocity, the distance of the orbit, and the mass of the central object, usually using Kepler's laws of planetary motion.

What is the name of the path an objects takes when it revolves around another object?

an orbit

The path that an object takes every time it moves around another body?

an orbit

What is the path an object takes as it moves around another object?

The path an object takes as it moves around another object can be an ellipse, circle, or parabolic depending on factors such as the objects' sizes, masses, and distances. This path is governed by gravitational forces and the laws of motion described by Kepler's laws and Newton's laws of motion.

What is the root word of orbital?

The root word of orbital is "orbit," which refers to the path an object takes around another object in space.

What is the path an object takes around another in space?

The trajectory of a closed loop, circular or elliptical, is an "orbit".

How is called the verb if an action verb takes a direct object?

The verb is called a transitive verb if it takes a direct object.The verb is called an intransitive verb if it has no direct object or only an indirect object.

Is the sun an orbit?

No, the sun is an object. A fairly ordinary star. An orbit is the closed circular path taken by an object around another object. The suns orbit is the path it takes around the galactic centre. A journey of some 250 million years to complete one orbit. In comparison the earths orbit around the sun takes one year.

An object that takes up more space than another object has greater what?


If an object takes up more space than another object what will it have?

If an object takes up more space than another object, it will have a larger volume. This means the object has more capacity to hold substances or occupy a greater area.