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Q: The plants lean toward the sun is what word?
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Can plants use light as sun?

Sure. In fact, if you place a plant under an artificial light source, it will lean toward the light source as if it were the sun.

What is it called when plants lean towards the sun?

expanentional growth

When a plant leans towards the sun it is a reaction of what?

plants lean towards the sun to gain nutrients, that is an adaptation. They also use th sun photosynthesis plants lean towards the sun for photosynthesis. When they leann towards the sun it is an adaptation

What does it mean when a plant doesn't lean toward the sun?

The shoot apex of this plant is not producing auxin for cell elongation

What would a plant do if it was groing inside next to a window?

The plant would grow toward the sun because all plants love the sun. Also they grow toward the sun so it will be easier to get sunlight.

Why do plants turn their Leaves to the sun?

Plants grow toward the sun because the side of the plant that is shaded grows faster. Very simple concept; think about this. A plant is under (let's say) a bench and light shines only one side. That plant heads toward the sun because the side without light is now grwoing faster, thus leaning toward the sun.

What is a sentence for the word phototropic?

a flower is phototrophic because it is moving toward the sun

Why do most plants grow vertically?

Plants grow toward the sun. The constant movement of the earth makes the sun appear to move around, thus causing the plants to equal out straight. This is why you see trees that are on the side of a mountain at an angle instead of straight up. The sun disappears behind the mountain and the plant stops growing in a specific direction.

What examples of plants is phototropism?

The Sunflower plant inflorescence at the time of anthesis move toward the sun due to phototropism.

How does tropism work on plants?

It occurs so that the plant will always place the broad side of it's leaves toward the Sun.

What do some plant do to get more sunlight?

A tropism is an environmental stimulus that affects a plants behavior. If you observe plants growing on a window cill or something similar, you will see they lean towards the window in an attempt to get more sun. Plants grow towards light in an attempt to get more sun. This is called Phototropism

Recall the process of how the sun's energy is converted by plants by providing a word equation.?

the equasion of photosynthis is when plants take energy from the sun and tern it into food.