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The portion of the earthÃ?s surface that includes water and water vapor is known as the Hydrosphere, which makes up about 70% of the earthÃ?s surface.

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Q: The portion of the earth's surface that includes water and water vapor is the...?
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Which of these are fissures through which water and water vapor escape from the Earths surface?

Fumaroles are fissures through which water and water vapor escape from the Earth's surface.

Why are carbon dioxide water vapor and other greenhouse gases important to life on Earths surface?

They absorb radiant energy emitted by Earths surface

Condensed water vapor in the air just above the earths surface?

Fog, mist.

What is the answer for the process by water on earths surface changes from liquid to water vapor?

transpiration,i think

What would happen if carbon dioxide methane and water vapor were not in the atmosphere?

The Earths surface would be much colder than it is.

Why do clouds usually form high in the air instead near the earths surface?

Because there is more water vapor up in the sky.

What is the term for the water at the surface of earth that includes bodies of water and water vapor?

fog, mist,

What sphere includes all liquid and frozen surface water groundwater and water vapor?

The hydrosphere encompasses all liquid and frozen surface water, groundwater, and water vapor found on Earth. It includes oceans, lakes, rivers, glaciers, and underground aquifers, as well as atmospheric water in the form of clouds and water vapor.

Water vapor droplets form clouds and earths gravity pulls the moisture to the surface in the form of?

The word you're looking fro is... rain.

What happens to water once it moves from from Earths surface to the atmosphere?

water condenses and when there is enough water vapor is condensed it rains so it may transpire or evaporate once more

What heats the earths surface and causes water to change states?

The sun's radiation heats the Earth's surface through a process called solar radiation. This heat causes water to change states by evaporating into water vapor, condensing into clouds, and eventually returning to the surface as precipitation.