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If the temperature decreases, the volume is also going to decrease, and if the pressure decreases, the volume is going to increase. So they balance each other out, if they are decreased at the same rate.

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13y ago
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1w ago

When the temperature of a gas increases, the average kinetic energy of its molecules also increases. This increased kinetic energy causes the gas molecules to move faster and collide with the container walls more frequently, resulting in an increase in pressure. So, the pressure of a gas increases with increasing temperature, not decreases.

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15y ago

It doesn't. All else being equal pressurising a gas increases its temperature. This is because energy has to be expended on the gas to increase its pressure, and this energy increases the average energy per molecule and hence temperature.

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11y ago

It doesn't, pressure of a gas decreases as temperature decreases. Pressure is directly proportional to the absolute temperature. Pressure of gas decreases when temperature decreases because the decrease in temperature causes a decreases in the kinetic energy of the molecules. This decreases in KE causes a decrease in collisions between the molecules which results in a decline in the pressure.

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12y ago

The Ideal Gas Law states that PV=NkT. When the numbers represented by N (the number of gas particles) and k ( a constant) remain the same either the pressure or the volume of the gas must change. If the volume of the container does not decrease then the gas will give up energy in the form of heat.

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Q: The pressure of gas decreases with increasing temperature?
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How is the temperature of a gas related to its pressure?

The temperature of a gas is directly proportional to its pressure, according to the ideal gas law. As temperature increases, the kinetic energy of gas particles also increases, leading to more frequent and forceful collisions with the container walls, thereby increasing the pressure. Similarly, if the temperature decreases, the pressure of the gas will also decrease.

Am according to Boyle's law what happens to the pressure of the temperature of a gas stays constant when the volume decreases?

When the volume of a gas decreases at constant temperature according to Boyle's Law, the pressure of the gas increases. This relationship is represented by the formula P1V1 = P2V2, indicating that as the volume decreases, the pressure must increase to maintain the product of pressure and volume constant.

Does the volume of a gas always increase when temperature increases and pressure decreases?

Not necessarily. The volume of a gas is directly proportional to temperature and inversely proportional to pressure, according to the ideal gas law. If the temperature increases and pressure decreases proportionately, the volume would remain constant.

If the temperature remains constant what will happen to the pressure of a gas if you decrease the volume of the container that holds the gas Explain?

If the temperature remains constant and the volume of the container holding the gas decreases, the pressure of the gas will increase. This is because as the volume decreases, the gas particles have less space to move around, leading to more frequent collisions with the container walls, thus increasing the pressure.

What will increase the volume of gas?

Increasing the temperature, increasing the pressure, or adding more gas molecules will increase the volume of gas.

Related questions

How does the mass diffusivity of a gas mixture changes with temperature and pressure?

mass diffusivity increases with increasing temperature and decreases as pressure increases.

How does increasing the temperature of a gas solvent affect the solubility of a gas?

Increasing the temperature of a solvent decreases the solubility of a gas Generally, increasing solvent temperature decreases the solubility of gases.

How does increasing temperature affect the solubility of a gas solute?

Increasing temperature decreases the solubility of a gas solute in a liquid solvent. This is because higher temperatures increase the kinetic energy of molecules, leading to weaker gas-liquid interactions and reduced solubility.

The solubility of nitrogen gas in water with increasing pressure and with increasing temperature?

The solubility of nitrogen gas in water increases with increasing pressure due to Henry's Law, which states that the solubility of a gas is directly proportional to the pressure of the gas above the solution. However, the solubility of nitrogen gas in water decreases with increasing temperature because higher temperatures reduce the ability of water molecules to retain dissolved gases.

What is the result of increasing volume of a gas?

Increasing the volume of a gas the pressure and density decreases.

What is the results of increasing the volume of gas?

Increasing the volume of a gas the pressure and density decreases.

What is the result of increasing the volume of gas?

Increasing the volume of a gas the pressure and density decreases.

When temperature of a gas decreases at constant volume it?

...pressure decreases.

When the temperature of a gas decreases a constant volume its?

...pressure decreases.

When the temperature of a gas is constant will the volume increase or decrease as the pressure decreases?

When the temperature of a gas is constant and the pressure decreases, the volume will increase. This is described by Boyle's Law, which states that at constant temperature, the pressure and volume of a gas are inversely proportional to each other.

When a fixed sample of gas increases in volume what happens to the pressure and temperature?

The frequency of collisions is reduced

When the pressure of a gas at a constant temperature is increased the volume of the gas decreases when the pressure is decreased the volume increases?
