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Charles Darwin introduced his theory of evolution by natural selection in 1859 as explanation for adaptation and speciation. It was stated that, "principle by which each slight variation, if useful, is preserved."

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Darwin's theory of natural selection:

Those individuals that are best adapted to the environment are more likely to survive and pass favourable characteristics (genes) to offspring

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... Chromosomes contain [biochemically] linear information that produces three types of proteins: structural, enzymatic, and control related [functional]- and that the order of these linearly composed proteins is subject to 'a highly specific / predictable / and regular rate of mutation(s)' - that equally regularly produce slightly altered protein products with slightly altered 'biochemical and hence biological activity' properties, and right here is where the concept of "biological selection through bio-FITNESS" occurs; whereas more fit biochemical processes produce improved biochemistry ..., then through these processes biological Evolution occurs.

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What is Darwinian evolution?

Darwinian evolution is descent with modification and natural selection, or, in other terms, reproductive variation and differential reproductive success.

What two people disproved evolution?

The Darwinian model of evolution by natural selection has not been disproved.

What is Darwinian?

Darwinian evolution is descent with modification and natural selection, or, in other terms, reproductive variation and differential reproductive success.

Who proposed the currently accepted theory of evolution?

The theory of evolution by natural selection was proposed by Charles Robert Darwin and Alfred Russel Wallace in 1858. This is not the currently accepted theory as that was 157 years ago. Google The new synthesis, or the Neo-Darwinian synthesis for an update to the theory of evolution by natural selection.

Is natural selection a cause of evolution?

No, natural selection is believed to result in evolution.

Can natural selection exist with out evolution?

Perhaps not, but evolution can exist without natural selection.

How is natural selection and evolution linked?

Natural selection is one of the 'guiding' principles of evolution.

Darwin's theory of evolution by natural?

Evolution by natural selection.

Which type of natural selection prevents evolution?

Natural selection directs evolution; it cannot stop or prevent it.

How are evolution and natural selection related?

Natural selection is one of the mechanisms that shapes adaptation and enables evolution.

What is a Darwinian perspective?

A Darwinian perspective refers to the principles of evolution proposed by Charles Darwin, emphasizing concepts such as natural selection, adaptation, and the survival of the fittest. It views organisms as evolving through a process of genetic variation and selection based on their ability to compete and reproduce in their environment. This perspective has had a profound impact on fields such as biology, ecology, and psychology.

What is the relationship between evolution and natural selection?

Natural selection is one force that can lead to evolution.natural selection is one cause of evolution