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First it evaperates, then condensation occurs, then precipitation happens

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The process by which water is returned to the atmosphere is called evaporation. During this process, the sun heats up water bodies like oceans, lakes, and rivers, causing the water to turn into water vapor and rise into the atmosphere. This water vapor eventually cools and condenses to form clouds, which can lead to precipitation in the form of rain or snow, completing the water cycle.

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Q: The process that which water is returned to the atmosphere?
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What process releases Water vapor by plants and is returned to the environment?

Transpiration is the process by which plants release water vapor into the atmosphere through small openings called stomata on their leaves. This water vapor is eventually returned to the environment through the water cycle.

The water in the atmosphere is returned to earth by?

The water in the atmosphere is returned to Earth through precipitation, which includes rain, snow, sleet, or hail. This process helps maintain the water cycle by supplying fresh water to the Earth's surface for various purposes such as drinking, agriculture, and ecosystem health.

At least 90 percent of the water that returns to the atmosphere from terrestrial ecosystems does so through?

transpiration, which is the process by which plants release water vapor through their leaves. This accounts for the majority of water returned to the atmosphere from terrestrial ecosystems.

What are two ways in which carbon is returned to the atmosphere?

Carbon is returned to the atmosphere through the process of respiration by living organisms, where they release carbon dioxide as a byproduct. Additionally, the burning of fossil fuels for energy also releases carbon dioxide into the atmosphere.

What is the name of the process by which water vapor enter the atmosphere during the water cycle?

The process by which water vapor enters the atmosphere during the water cycle is called evaporation. In this process, water from bodies of water, such as oceans, lakes, and rivers, is heated by the sun and changes into water vapor, which rises into the atmosphere.

Related questions

What is the process in which water in the atmosphere is returned to the earth?

precipitation, evaporation & condensation

What the major process in which water in the atmosphere is returned to the earth?

precipitation, evaporation & condensation

The major process by which water in the atmosphere is returned to the earth is?

The major process by which water in the atmosphere is returned to the earth is through precipitation. This includes rain, snow, sleet, and hail. When the water droplets in the clouds become heavy enough, they fall back to the earth's surface.

How does water returned to the atmosphere?


What process releases Water vapor by plants and is returned to the environment?

Transpiration is the process by which plants release water vapor into the atmosphere through small openings called stomata on their leaves. This water vapor is eventually returned to the environment through the water cycle.

The water in the atmosphere is returned to earth by?

The water in the atmosphere is returned to Earth through precipitation, which includes rain, snow, sleet, or hail. This process helps maintain the water cycle by supplying fresh water to the Earth's surface for various purposes such as drinking, agriculture, and ecosystem health.

At least 90 percent of the water that returns to the atmosphere from terrestrial ecosystems does so through?

transpiration, which is the process by which plants release water vapor through their leaves. This accounts for the majority of water returned to the atmosphere from terrestrial ecosystems.

What is The major process by which water in the atmosphere is returned to the earth?

precipitation is anything that falls from the skies naturally (spaceships are not natural!) unless your talking about the whole water deal, then its called the water cycle

Groundwater moves from the ground through plants and then back into the atmosphere through the process of?

transpiration. In transpiration, water is absorbed by plant roots from the ground and then released as water vapor through tiny pores on the plant's leaves. This water vapor is then returned to the atmosphere.

By what process is nitrogen returned to the atmosphere by bacteria?

Nitrogen is returned to the atmosphere by a process called denitrification, where certain bacteria convert nitrates in the soil back into nitrogen gas which is then released into the air. This helps maintain the balance of nitrogen in the environment cyclically.

What are the TWO methods in which water is returned into the atmosphere?

the TWO methods in which water is returned into the atmosphere:EvaporationCondensationThe water then precipitates and returns back.

What processes are nitrates returned to the atmosphere?

Nitrates are returned to the atmosphere through a process called denitrification, where bacteria convert nitrates back into nitrogen gas. This process occurs in oxygen-limited environments such as waterlogged soils or sediments. Nitrates can also be released into the atmosphere through volatilization from fertilizers or animal waste.