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Women most strongly enforced prohibition due to excessive spending for liquor rather than for food.

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Q: The prohibition movement was most strongly supported by what Americans?
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What was one of the unforseen results of prohibition?

A revival of the ku klux klan, which strongly supported prohibition and its strict enforcement.

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Who became a leader in education and strongly supported abolition but thought that women should not lead in that movement?

Horace Mann became a leader in education and strongly supported abolition of slavery but believed that women should not lead in that movement. He thought that women should focus on their traditional roles as wives and mothers.

My father was temperance movement leader i became a leader in education i strongly supported abolition but thought that women should not lead in that movement who am i?

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My father was a temperance movement leader i became a leader in education i strongly supported abolition but thought that women should not lead in that movement who am i?

Catharine Beecher (APEX)

Why did Northerners join the Klu KLux Klan?

People throughout the country joined the Klan of the 1920s because it strongly supported and defended National Prohibition and illegally enforcing prohibition laws by attacking moonshiners, bootleggers, and other violators of the alcohol law.

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How did the Ku Klux Klan feel about changes occurring in the American society?

The KKK generally disliked most of the changes occurring during the 1920s with the notable exception of National Prohibition, which it strongly supported and illegally enforced.