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By measuring the change in angular diameter of the object

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Q: The proper motion of a star or other object is measured by what?
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What type of motion is it when an object travels around another?

When objects are bound gravitationally in centrifugal motion, the objects are said to be in orbit of each other.

Does monmentum maintain orbital motion?

The orbit of a planet (or other object) is maintained by a balance between gravity (which is trying to pull the object inwards) - and centrifugal force (which is trying to 'throw' the object out into space.

What is a revolation?

In astronomy, "revolution" refers to the motion of a planet in an orbit. This is in distinction to "rotation" which is the spinning motion of a planet or other body. Thus, the Earth rotates on its axis while it revolves around the Sun.

What force pull an object away from the center of a curved path?

Inertia is the "force" that causes an object in a curved path to pull away from the center. Inertia is actually the tendency of anything with mass to resist a change in motion. In other words, an object at rest will not move because of inertia, unless it is acted on by an unbalanced force, and an object in motion will continue to travel at a constant speed in a straight line unless acted on by an unbalanced force. An object traveling in a circular path pulls away from the center because inertia tries to keep the object traveling in a straight line.

What is the mass of an object anywhere in the universe?

The mass of an object is unaffected by gravitational forces. Assuming we ignore relativistic effects (mass increase to infinite and so on) we can say that an object with a mass of 5kg will have that mass anywhere in the universe (within reason). On the other hand, an object that WEIGHS 5kg on earth will have a measured weight that varies considerably depending upon what gravitational fields are affecting it.

Related questions

Can a moving object be selected as a reference object?

Any moving object can be redefined as a frame of reference at rest, from which all other moving frames can be measured. That's a fundamental precept of Relativity. It's motion is defined only in relation to some other object from which the motion is measured, so reselection as the rest frame is necessary, but once established as a rest frame, it is (for the purpose of measurement) no longer considered to be in motion. Since everything is moving in relation to everything else, any frame can be selected as the frame of reference at rest, with all other motion measured relative to it.

What is a reference point When dealing with motion?

It means, with respect to what is the motion calculated. There is no "absolute" motion, or velocity; you always have to compare an object to some other object, to decide whether it is moving, and how quickly.

How can they tell how fast the earth is moving through space?

There's no such thing as "motion through space". Motion must be measured relative to another object. So we just measure how fast the other object appears to be moving, and there we go.

What can mass of an object be measured in?

Any object can be measured in mass weirdo...

What force's cancel each other out and do not change an objects motion?

The action and reaction forces are the forces that cancel each other. They do not change an object motion or cause the object to accelerate.

Does a change in motion occur only if a net force is exerted on an object?

No. Changes in motion can occur in other ways. A change in motion can occur if that object exerts a net force on another object, like another ball on a billiard table. The object could also bump into an immovable object and its motion would change.

Change in an objects motion?

An object's change in motion can be explained by Newton's laws of motion. Newton's first law of motion is: an object in motion stays in motion until acted upon by an outside force...there are two other laws but this is the most famous one

How does gravity affect motion of an object?

The object is accelerated towards the centre of mass of system formed by the object moving and the other object.

What is an object that is in motion and changes position?

If the object changes position it means it has translational motion. Other types of motion include rotational motion and vibrational motion. This would apply to thermodynamics, when we look at gas molecules. The key point to remember is that the centre of mass of the object has changed displacement coordinates, therefore it has undergone translational motion.

How do you know if something has motion?

You measure the distance from the object to some other object several times and if there is a difference, the objects are in motion to each other. There is no absolute frame of reference in the Universe (according to Einstein).

How the direction of the force of kinetic friction is related to the direction of an object's motion?

Friction force works against the motion of the object. In other words friction force has the opponent direction of the velocity of the object.

What affect does mass have on the motion of an object?

The greater the mass an object has, the more inertia the object has, so the object resists changes to its motion better. In other words, as mass increases, the acceleration caused by a constant force decreases.