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The large scale adoption of captives and refugees

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Q: The purpose of the periodic mourning wars was?
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What was the purpose of mourning war among the Iroquois?

Most mourning wars were fought over blood feuds. If a tribe member was killed by a member of a another tribe, the first tribe would attack members of the second tribe in revenge. Most of the conflicts consisted of kidnappings and small fights.

Among the Iroquois what was the purpose of mourning war?

Most mourning wars were fought over blood feuds. If a tribe member was killed by a member of a another tribe, the first tribe would attack members of the second tribe in revenge. Most of the conflicts consisted of kidnappings and small fights.

Among the Iroquois what the purpose of a mourning war?

Most mourning wars were fought over blood feuds. If a tribe member was killed by a member of a another tribe, the first tribe would attack members of the second tribe in revenge. Most of the conflicts consisted of kidnappings and small fights.

What was the purpose of a mourning war among the Iroquois?

Most mourning wars were fought over blood feuds. If a tribe member was killed by a member of a another tribe, the first tribe would attack members of the second tribe in revenge. Most of the conflicts consisted of kidnappings and small fights.

Why did the Iroquois mourning wars?

To replace missing members of their tribe APEX c;

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It's the initial 7 days of the Jewish process of mourning.

Why did Iroquois fight mourning wars?

To replce missing members of their tribe

Why did the Iroquois fight mourning wars?

cause we won

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The main purpose of the periodic table is to organize and display all known elements based on their atomic number and chemical properties. It helps scientists predict the behavior of elements, identify trends and patterns, and understand the relationships between different elements.

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The purpose of poppies is for the people who died in the wars to make peace.

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