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they contribute to the country's strong economy.

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Q: The regions of France are important because?
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What are the functional regions of Paris France?

Paris, France is actually a functional region because France is the formal region.

What are formal regions in Paris?

Paris is divided into twenty regions known as arrondissements municipaux.

What are the french regions called?

The same word, regions. Far more important in France are the Departements. Almost a hundred of them, and they are the equivalent of a county in local government.

Why was it important that France kept the New France colony?

Because it was part of france

Why is the Eiffel tower an important symbol on Bastille day in France?

It is important because it represents France

Why is a Bishop of New France important?

he is important because he is in charge of all the churches in new France and the religions

Why are France's regions important?

the importance of france is very simple when ur in my sittuation it is so wives can blow ur money flying there and the making u go bankrupt by buying everything they have there mostly 300$ shoes or 1200$ dresses like the parasitic money leachs they are

Why is coup d'etat important to France?

Because it is

How many province does France have?

there are 22 regions in mainland France and four more regions overseas.

How many overseas French regions are there?

the four French overseas regions, (which also are départements) are: la Guadeloupe and la Martinique in the Carribean; la Guyane (French Guiana) located North of Brazil; and la Réunion in the Indian ocean.

How many counties are in France?

France does not have counties, but regions. There are 26 administrative regions (21 in mainland France, 1 which is Corsica + 4 overseas).

Why are the Pyrenees mountains important to France and Spain?

because they seperate france and spain