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gold rush

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California Gold Rush.

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Q: The result of the discovery of this precious metal in California is called the?
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Related questions

What was the result of the discovery of gold California in 1849?

The arrival of large numbers of people

What was the result of an international migration of fortune seekers to California in 1849?

the discovery of gold at Sutter's Mill

What was the direct result of international migration of fortune seekers to California in 1849?

the discovery of gold at Sutter's Mill.

In the mid-1800s the growth of populations of California and the western territories was mainly a result of a?

Discovery of gold and silver.

What is the result of saavedra's expedition?

The result of Saavedra's expedition was the first crossing of the Pacific ocean and the discovery of New Spain. New Spain is now called Mexico.

In the mid-1800s the growth of the populations of California and the western territories was mainly a result of?

The growth of the populations in California and western territories in the mid-1800s was mainly a result of the California Gold Rush, which attracted people seeking wealth and new opportunities. Additionally, the expansion of railroad networks and government incentives for settlement played a role in encouraging migration to the West.

What describes a result of California's rapid population growth during the mid-1800s?

The California Gold Rush helped the population of California grow in the 1800's. The Gold rush started in 1849, but gold was first discovered in 1848.

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Transmutation was discovered by Marie Curie. The discovery was from a result of elements decaying. Later on, a form called Artificial Transmutation was discovered by Ernest Rutherford.

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The discovery that germs caused disease led to advancements in hygiene practices, such as handwashing and sterilization of medical equipment, ultimately reducing the spread of infectious diseases. It also paved the way for the development of antibiotics and vaccines to combat specific diseases caused by germs.

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having lots of income because of it

Which of the following is not true of the Mexican American war?

It came about as a result of a revolution in California.

What could be treated as a result of Alexander's Fleming's discovery of penicillin?

baterical infections