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Q: The right to do and say what you want?
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What do I do first if I want to right a paragraph?

Think of what you want to say in that paragraph.

What is the right to say what you want?

It's called the "freedom of speech".

What includes the right to freedom of speech?

The right to say that you want. No one can do anything about it.

How do you say what do you want in Chinese?

Ni yao shenme? funny right!

Why do moms always think their right?

Haha because they are incharge and they think what ever they want to say magically is right, most things they say are right but they will never always be right, their dictators and thats what they do.

Do a 16 year old have the right to say what parent they want to live with?

Yes they do,

Why is it so hard to say you are wrong?

Because you always want to be right (Like Me)

What should you write to the queen about?

start with your majesty,then say your name and remember to say your address in the top right hand corner if you want a reply and then just say wha you want to say!HELLO MY NAME IS LUCY!

What should you write to the queen?

start with your majesty,then say your name and remember to say your address in the top right hand corner if you want a reply and then just say wha you want to say!HELLO MY NAME IS LUCY!

Why do those that say they love you always want to change you?

Because they dont love you, they want to love you but ur not right together

Should there be a limit to what people should say?

yes you don't get the right to just say what ever you want that's bs.

What amendment gives people the right to say what they want?

Freedom of Speech - Amendment #1