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Q: The river water danced over the rocks?
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Why are rocks always jagged?

Most rocks are very hard and brittle. When they break they shatter. Rocks that are found along the shore line of the ocean and rocks that are found in river bottoms are very smooth. The water, sand and dirt that constantly flows over them polishes them removing all rough edges.

How do glacial grooves form?

Glacial grooves forms when rocks set over time with water running over them. These rocks can form in different looks.

How does water change landscape?

Water is a powerful landscaper. Water can weather and erode rock over many years to create new structures or wear them down. One example of water's ability to drastically change the land, is the Grand Canyon. The Colorado River over thousands of years had weathered and eroded the rock as the land was pushed upward from below. The river "cut" through the rock, and created the Grand Canyon. Torrential rains can cause flooding. Heavy flooding can be destrucive and can uproot trees, carry and toss rocks, and destroy habitats. Rain could turn a calm stream into a raging river that can pick up debris from the river bed, bashing them into the surrounding area. Water can freeze in between rocks and when it expands, this process of expanding in the rocks over years can change mountainous regions. It can over time reduce their size(from the rocks that fall or slide off). Glaciers can turnlow-lying hills into deep valleys as they move along slowly over the years. Glaciers oftern "pick up" rocks as they move along, and this is from their "cutting' through the ladnscape. Earthquakes under the ocean or sudden displacements can cause tsunamis. Tsunamis are powerful waves that can destroy a beach and the land behind it. These massive waves can overcome and submerge small islands or even barrier islands. These are just a few of the common ways in which water can change the landscape.

How does freezing and melting water weather rocks?

Water erodes rocks by taking away little bits, and water gets into the little pits of a rock, and when it freezes, the water expands and makes the pits/cracks bigger. Over time, this breaks the rocks down.

What is water flowing over a cliff called?


Related questions

What is it called when the party of a river or stream where the water flows swiftly over rocks?

It is known as rapids - a length of the river where rocks break the surface and the water is churned into what is known as white water.

What is the part of the river or stream where the water flows swiftly over the rocks called?


What happens to rocks left in a river for extended time?

the rocks get grind ed together over and over by the force of water pushing it and eventually become sand.

How are rapids are formed?

Rapids occur in a shallower part of a river where there is a steep difference in levels. This increases how fast the water flows. Water then hits exposed rocks and creates air bubbles making the water appear white in color.

What is the part of the river or stream where the water flows swiftly over the rocks?

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What is a personification sentence using the word dance?

the sun danced over the water

What are the characteristics of a waterfall?

The running water in the river erodes the landscape.When the river tumbles at steep angle over very hard rocks or down a steep valley side it forms a waterfall

If the Colorado River formed the Grand Canyon why are the rocks so jagged when they should be smooth from the force of the water?

The rocks in the Grand Canyon are jagged because they are made up of different layers of rock that erode at different rates, creating the unique formations you see. Over millions of years, the Colorado River carved through these layers, exposing the jagged edges of the rock formations.

How does water effect erosion?

The water loosens the rocks. Then it knocks over other rocks. Then that causes an erosion

Are there rocks under water?

Yes. That is why some rivers have rapids. Water going over rocks create them.

Why are rocks always jagged?

Most rocks are very hard and brittle. When they break they shatter. Rocks that are found along the shore line of the ocean and rocks that are found in river bottoms are very smooth. The water, sand and dirt that constantly flows over them polishes them removing all rough edges.

How many cataracts in the Nile River?

Cateracts that are located in rivers-a water fall or spot where water flows very fast over rocks