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The warmth of the sun causes convection moving the air and the fog upwards at the same time causing the mist to spread and disapear.

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3d ago

The sun burns off fog through a process called evaporation. As the sun's rays warm the air, the water droplets in the fog begin to evaporate and turn into water vapor. This causes the fog to dissipate and clear up as the water vapor rises into the atmosphere.

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Can people live on the sun?

No, people cannot live on the sun. Its surface temperature is about 10,000 degrees Fahrenheit, which is far too hot to support life as we know it. Additionally, the sun has no solid surface for people to stand on.

Why is it foggy in the morning on a sunny day?

Fog can occur in the morning on a sunny day when the ground cools overnight and the air above it becomes saturated with moisture. As the sun rises and heats the ground, the moisture in the air condenses into fog. The presence of fog does not necessarily mean it will be a cloudy day since the fog usually dissipates as the temperature rises.

How do clouds dissipate?

Clouds dissipate through processes such as evaporation, condensation, and water droplet size increasing to the point of falling as precipitation. As air currents mix and change, clouds can also disperse and break apart. Factors like temperature, humidity, and wind speed all play a role in how clouds dissipate.

Where does fog come from?

Fog forms when the air near the ground cools and reaches its dew point, causing water vapor to condense into tiny water droplets. This process usually occurs at night or in the early morning when the temperature drops. The presence of fog is commonly associated with high humidity levels and stable atmospheric conditions.

Why does fog disappear when sun rises?

Fog is basically just a cloud that has lost altitude. The humidity has reached more than 100%, and the water starts to appear as vapor. You will also find that every outdoor surface has a coating of moisture.