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B.F. Skinner

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Q: The scientific study of people's behavioral responses to different situations was of special interest to?
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What are automatic responses to certain stimuli?

Automatic responses to certain stimuli also known as conditioned responses occur when a certain stimulus is paired with an involuntary response. An example of this is Pavlovs famous experiment with dogs where he paired the ringing of a bell with the presentation of food. Over time the dogs learned to salivate at the sound of the bell even without the food being presented. This is an example of a conditioned response.Other examples of automatic responses to certain stimuli include: Fear response a person may freeze or become panicked when they hear a loud noise Gag reflex a person may reflexively gag when presented with certain tastes or smells Startle response a person may jump when a sudden loud noise is heardAutomatic responses to certain stimuli are a form of learning and can be beneficial in certain situations such as when a person has a fear of loud noises. By pairing the loud noise with a calm response the person can learn to become desensitized to the noise and no longer experience fear.

What is the activities or processes that can be observed objectively such as the organized patterns of responses as a whole?

motor skills

What are the differences between typical and atypical decelerations on a CTG?

typicals are normal responses/ where as atypicals are serious

Analysis of previous incident responses found that failures were most likely due to a lack of resources?


Related questions

What is a behavioral component?

A behavioral component refers to the observable actions or responses of an individual in relation to a particular situation or stimulus. It involves the external behaviors that can be observed or measured, such as gestures, facial expressions, or verbal responses. Behavioral components play a significant role in understanding and assessing an individual's reactions to different stimuli or environments.

What are behavioral variables?

Behavioral variables are the criteria or yardsticks for measuring and comparing among different individuals. The are mainly observable and measurable characteristics or responses. Agorua, Christopher Eme-eji

What is objective and observable behavior called in psychology?

Objective and observable behavior in psychology is often referred to as behavioral data or behavioral observations. This type of data is based on observable actions or responses that can be measured, documented, and analyzed in a scientific manner.

Difference between physiological and behavioral response?

Physiological responses are automatic bodily reactions to a stimulus, such as changes in heart rate or hormone levels. Behavioral responses, on the other hand, involve actions or movements in response to a stimulus, like running away from a threat or freezing in fear. Physiological responses are often internal and can precede behavioral responses.

How are the situations you that and in older run similar or different?

Whether or not situations are similar or different depends on the situation. Older people may experience things differently than someone younger. Responses to certain situations may also be handled differently by different people.

Which perspective most clearly on how you learn observable responses?


Which perspective emphasizes the learning of observable responses?

Behavioral perspective emphasizes the learning of observable responses through conditioning and reinforcement. It focuses on how behaviors are acquired and modified through experiences in the environment.

Which perspective most clearly focuses on how you learn observable responses?


If a researcher focuses primarily on emotional responses learned fears and other learned expectations they are focusing on?

The researcher is likely focusing on the role of conditioning and learned behaviors in shaping emotional responses and fears. This field is often associated with studies in behavioral psychology and cognitive-behavioral therapy.

How normoral in balance affects ones behavioral responses?

Normalization of imbalanced responses can lead to more consistent and appropriate behavioral reactions. When an individual's reactions are normalized, they are better able to regulate their emotions, make decisions, and manage stress. This can result in improved communication and relationships with others.

Is a term used to describe the physical emotional cognitive and behavioral responses to events that are appraised as threatening or challenging?

The term is stress. Stress can result from both positive and negative experiences and can impact individuals in various ways, affecting their thoughts, emotions, behaviors, and physical well-being. It is a natural response that can influence how individuals adapt and cope with different situations.

What is a emotional?

An emotion is a complex mental state that arises spontaneously in response to certain stimuli or situations. It is typically accompanied by a subjective feeling, physiological changes, and behavioral responses. Emotions can range from simple feelings such as happiness or sadness to more complex experiences like love, anger, or fear.