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Benign positional paroxysmal vertigo

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Q: The sensation of the room spinning or the person spinning is called?
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Related questions

What does a vertigo diagnosis entail?

Vertigo is just the name of the sensation where you feel like the room is spinning. Often the cause can be determined ot be hamless based the physical examanation alone. Other times more sophisticated testing is needed.

What is called to the person who share a room?


What is that song called when the man is sitting on the bed and the room is turning around in the video?

LOL are you high man, maybe you were spinning, not the video LOL

How is called person who observes in examination room?


What does it mean if it feels like the room is spinning?

you might be dizzy

How you calculate Air changes of a Department of spinning mills?

Air changes in a spinning department can be calculated as follows Air Changes= Room air volume in cmh/ Room volume in m3

Why does the room spinning when you lay down?

The spinning could be a reaction to something... Dizziness is a sign of many illnesses, commonly of dehydration.

In a hotel the person that takes you to your room is called what?

Porters, bellhops**.**

What is the interview called when one direction is in the white room?

one direction white room no it is not called white room the person that said "one direction white room" is wrong it is called La Boi-te a- questions. and it is awesome

A priest nurse doctor enter a room with one door and no windows four people walked out where did the 4th person come from?

the priest the nurse the doctor and the person called one door entered the room the fourth person is called one door

When a person has to stay in a hotel what is the daily pay called?

If you mean the daily charge for renting the room - that is called the Tariff

Where are spinning wheels on runescape?

There is one on the second story of the Lumbridge castle, in the room without the Duke of Horacio in it.