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they are located in the limbs, because the limbs are the effectors of the withdrawal reflex.

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muscle spindles are located within the quadriceps femorus in the patellar reflex

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Patellar ligament

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Q: Where are sensory stretch receptors of the withdrawal reflex located?
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The reflex associated with the sensory stimulation of the pulmonary stretch receptors is known as the Hering-Breuer reflex. It is responsible for inhibiting inspiration to prevent overinflation of the lungs, promoting expiration and maintaining normal breathing patterns.

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Many neurons of the ENS re components of GI reflex pathways that regulate GI secretion and mobility in response to stimuli present in the lumen of the GI tract 1. sensory receptors (such chemoreceptors nd stretch receptors) 2. the axons of the sensory neurons can synapse with other neurons located in the ENS, CNS, OR ANS 3. the neuons of the ENS, CNS, or ANS subsequently activate or inhibit GI glads and smooth muscles, altering GI secretion and motility

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