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Q: The size of a rocket's cargo determines the amount of thrust the engine must create to carry the rocket into outer space. What is another term for this cargo A. Payload?
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The size of a rocket's cargo determines the amount of thrust the engine must create to carry the rocket into outer space. What is another term for this cargo?

Payload (apex)

How do spacecraft move?

They use big fuel powered rockets that generate a huge amount of thrust to propel them.

What is the difference between solid rockets and liquid rockets?

There are two main types of rockets: liquid-fuel and solid-fuel. Liquid-fuel rockets consist of a fuel and oxygen (or other oxidizer) in liquid state. They are combined in a combustion chamber and ignited. The fuel flow to the engine can be controlled, the amount of thrust produced can be regulated and the engine can be turned off or on as needed. Solid-fuel rockets consist of a fuel and oxidizer that are pre-mixed in a solid form. Once the solid fuel is ignited, the resulting thrust cannot be regulated or turned off. This fuel system is simpler, safer, and cheaper-but less efficient-than that of a liquid-fuel rocket.

How does newtons second law apply to rockets?

Well newtons second law is f=ma of force=mass*acceleration, so when creating rockets, scientists must take into account all three of these factors. The mass or weight will determine how much friction it generates and therefor the amount of acceleration needed to surpass the friction. So newtons second law has everything to do with rockets.

Are rockets streamlined?

Rockets are designed with their shapes due to aerodynamics. In plain terms, it is because of the force of the air on the rocket as they travel through it. For a simple experiment, stick your hand out of the window of a moving car and see how the force of the 'wind' on your hand changes as you make different shapes with your hand.

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The size of a rocket's cargo determines the amount of thrust the engine must create to carry the rocket into outer space. What is another term for this cargo?

Payload (apex)

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I think its facedikertuiploped

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The energy of a wave is determined by its amplitude, which is the height of the wave from its equilibrium position. A wave with a higher amplitude will carry more energy. Additionally, the frequency of the wave, which is the number of complete oscillations per second, also affects the energy of the wave.

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The bohr diagram does

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I think its facedikertuiploped