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Elasticity and Density of the medium


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Q: The speed of any mechanical wave depends on?
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What is the frequency of mechanical and electromagnetic waves dependent upon?

The frequency of any wave is completely determined at its source, and doesn'tchange once the wave leaves the source.The speed of the wave depends on the characteristics of the medium throughwhich it's traveling ... of mechanical waves by the physical characteristics of themedium, and of electromagnetic waves by its electrical characteristics.

Is a mechanical wave a transverse wave?

A mechanical wave is any wave pattern that results from one or many forces. A mechanical wave can be a transverse wave, such as seen on a violin string, or a longditudinal wave, such as sound waves.

How long will it take a wave to travel 5000km?

That depends a lot on the speed. Assume any appropriate speed, then divide the distance by the speed.

How does the speed of sound relate to temperature elasticity and density?

The speed of any mechanical wave depends on the density of the medium. Since solids are the densest, the speed of sound is minimum in solids. It is the maximum in gases, since the medium is the least densest.

What is pulse mechanical or electromagnetic?

A pulse is a short wave. It can be any type of wave.

What is the speed of any electromagnetic wave?

In a vacuum, any electromagnetic wave will move at the "speed of light", which is about 300,000 km/second.

A wave that can travel only through matter?

A wave that can travel only through matter is termed mechanical wave.

Who does the speed of a wave relate to its wavelength and frequency?

The speed of any wave is the product of (wavelength) x (frequency) .

How much faster is a wave with a frequency of 220Hz than a wave of 440Hz?

You didn't specify what kind of wave, but in any case, the speed of a wave is usually more or less independent of the frequency.You didn't specify what kind of wave, but in any case, the speed of a wave is usually more or less independent of the frequency.You didn't specify what kind of wave, but in any case, the speed of a wave is usually more or less independent of the frequency.You didn't specify what kind of wave, but in any case, the speed of a wave is usually more or less independent of the frequency.

A wave has a frequency of 2.5Hz and a wave speed of 18ms.what is its wavelength?

For any wave: speed = frequency x wavelengthIn this case, just divide the speed by the frequency, to get the wavelength.

What is an example of transversal wave and longitudinal wave?

Sound is a longitudinal wave, as is any other mechanical wave. Light is a transversal wave, as all other Elektromagnetic waves.

Is an ultrasound wave a mechanical wave or an elastic wave or both?

An ultrasound wave (or any other sound wave) is mechanical energy, and can be said to be a mechanical wave. Waves are not elastic. The term elastic may be applied to the medium through which they travel. There are compression and shear forces (among others) that work on the medium, and the medium may present a more or less elastic response.