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history as common memory

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These stories and beliefs are known as folklore, myths, or legends, and they help shape the identity and traditions of a community by passing down historical or symbolic information through generations.

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History as common memory

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Q: The stories and beliefs about the past that create a shared culture in a community are known as?
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What is the customs and beliefs that shared by a group of people?

Customs and beliefs that are shared by a group of people are often known as traditions. These can include rituals, ceremonies, values, and social norms that are passed down through generations. They help to create a sense of identity and cohesion within the group.

Beliefs and morality of a given culture?

Beliefs in a culture refer to the values, ideals, and principles that guide individuals within that society, shaping their understanding of the world and their place in it. Morality, on the other hand, pertains to the differentiation between right and wrong behavior based on these beliefs, often influencing ethical decision-making. Together, beliefs and morality create a framework for societal norms and standards that help maintain order and cohesion within a culture.

How can a religion divide a culture?

A religion can divide a culture by creating exclusive beliefs or practices that separate followers from others in the society, leading to social segregation, discrimination, or conflict. Additionally, differing interpretations of religious teachings can fuel tension and create divisions within a culture.

What best describes religious toleration in Puritan communities in the 1600s?

Religious toleration was not practiced in Puritan communities in the 1600s. Puritans believed in a strict interpretation of Christianity and sought to create communities based on their religious beliefs. Those who did not conform to their beliefs were often persecuted or expelled from the community.

Why do you value traditions of your community?

I value traditions because they help to preserve our cultural heritage, strengthen social connections, and provide a sense of belonging and identity within the community. They also create a sense of continuity and contribute to a shared sense of values and beliefs among community members.

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What are The stories and beliefs about the past create a shared culture in a community are known as?

History as common memory

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Ethnic groups share a common culture and?

Ethnic groups share a common culture, including language, traditions, beliefs, and customs. This sense of identity is often passed down through generations and helps to create a sense of belonging and community among group members.

Is folklore a compound word?

Yes, "folklore" is a compound word. It is made up of the words "folk" and "lore," which combine to create a single word with a specific meaning related to the traditional beliefs, customs, and stories of a community.

How does common culture of bind people together?

A common culture can bind people together by providing shared values, traditions, and beliefs that create a sense of belonging and unity. This shared identity fosters connections, understanding, and cooperation among individuals who identify with the same cultural practices and norms. Cultural experiences and celebrations can also strengthen social bonds and create a sense of community among people.

What is the customs and beliefs that shared by a group of people?

Customs and beliefs that are shared by a group of people are often known as traditions. These can include rituals, ceremonies, values, and social norms that are passed down through generations. They help to create a sense of identity and cohesion within the group.

Beliefs and morality of a given culture?

Beliefs in a culture refer to the values, ideals, and principles that guide individuals within that society, shaping their understanding of the world and their place in it. Morality, on the other hand, pertains to the differentiation between right and wrong behavior based on these beliefs, often influencing ethical decision-making. Together, beliefs and morality create a framework for societal norms and standards that help maintain order and cohesion within a culture.

What People who share common culture language or history?

People who share common culture, language, or history are often referred to as members of the same community or ethnic group. They may have similar beliefs, customs, and traditions that bond them together and create a sense of shared identity. This shared connection can foster a sense of belonging and solidarity among individuals within the group.

What is blending of popular culture with local cultural traditions is?

Blending of popular culture with local cultural traditions refers to the integration of mainstream cultural elements with traditional practices or beliefs of a specific community or region. This fusion can create a unique cultural identity that reflects both global influences and local heritage. It allows for the preservation of traditional customs while adapting to contemporary trends.

What is a sentence with the word polymorphous?

The culture was polymorphous, with a vast array of traditions and beliefs blending together to create a rich tapestry of diversity.

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how to create a community post that looks like this?

What are the two main themes of Ishmael?

The two main themes of Ishmael are the environmental crisis facing humanity and the need to reevaluate and shift our cultural stories and beliefs to create a sustainable future.