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The tendon on the ankle is called the Peroneal tendon.

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Q: The strongest tendon in the foot ankle or lower leg?
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Any Achilles tendon workout ideas?

Your Achilles tendon is located on the back of your ankle, just above your heel. Any exercise that moves your foot around at the ankle will stretch and strengthen your Achilles tendon. Try flexing your foot down and back up again in sets of ten.

What part of the body is the ankle in?

The ankle is the joint formed by the articulation of the lower leg bones with the talus. The ankle connects the foot with the leg.

What part of the body is the ankle?

The ankle is the joint between the foot and the lower leg.

What happens during ankle reflex?

An ankle reflex is when the Achilles tendon is tapped while the foot is stretched out. A positive outcome is when the foot jerks outward. The test is done to determine if S1 and S2[3] nerve roots are in place.

What is the backs of your feet called?

The heel is the part of the foot at the very back, opposite your toes. The achille's tendon is the name of the muscle at the back of the foot. The ankle is the joint that connects the leg to the foot at the back of the foot. Hope this helped.

Item of foot-were from Australia which covers the foot ankle lower leg made from sheep skin?


What connects the lower extremity?

It has been said that the foot bone's connected to the ankle bone.

Which two muscles of the lower leg are attached to the calcaneus in the foot by way of the Achilles tendon?

Gastrocnemius and soleus

Function of Achilles tendon?

To "plantarflex" the foot, that is, to extend the ankle so that one is "pointing their toes." Several muscles from the calf insert into this common tendon and contract together. It's essential for pushing off the ground while walking.

Is there a pressure point in your foot?

Yeah there is a pressure point on your wrist, it is between the wrist bone and the tendon farthest away from it.

When you sprain your ankle what muscle or tendon is injured?

The ligaments that hold your ankle bones together get stretched or torn.

Where can you find the tarsals bones?

The tarsals are superior to the meta-tarsals in the lower part of the ankle.