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Q: The subjects listed here are the elective courses for secondary schools?
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What is the complementary or option courses in public schools?

Complementary courses in public schools typically refer to subjects beyond the core curriculum that students can choose to take alongside their required courses. These courses can include art, music, physical education, or other elective subjects. Option courses refer to additional subjects that students can choose from based on their interests or career goals, such as advanced math, science, or language courses.

What are the relevance of elective courses in undergraduate schools?


Are the courses offered in your secondary schools relevant to the needs and problems of the and nation?

yes, because all subjects that we teach in the secondary are all relevant in dealing our daily lives' activities

Are the courses offered in your secondary schools relevant to the needs and problems of the community and nation?

yes, because all subjects that we teach in the secondary are all relevant in dealing our daily lives' activities

What are the subjects being taught in Imam Hatip Schools in Turkey?

The same courses that are taught in traditional secondary schools including math, physics, literature, history, geography as well as religion. ---- The difference is not the subjects being taught but the cultural backgrounds of students.

What subjects are compulsory in french schools?

In France, students must study subjects like French language, mathematics, science, history, geography, civic education, physical education, and an additional foreign language. There are also elective courses available for students to choose from.

What Florida schools give accounting courses?

There are multiple schools in Florida that offer online or onsite accounting courses. Your can access a comprehensive list of schools at

What courses are taught in us high schools?

I want to know what exact subjects and courses are thought in usa high schools. Because I am immigrating to us and I have finished 10th grade.

Do the best universities for MBA offer any online courses?

Yes, several universities for MBA offer online courses in a variety of subjects. To find out about individual schools and subjects you can go to the website of the individual school or contact them.

What was curriculum in schools in 1960?

In the 1960s, school curriculum in the United States typically focused on core subjects such as math, science, English, history, and physical education. There was an emphasis on rote memorization, standardized testing, and discipline. Elective courses were also offered, but vocational education was more common compared to today.

Is Spanish an elective?

yes in most schools spanish is an elective but for some it is required

What schools have religion classes?

Many schools, especially private and parochial schools, offer religion classes as part of their curriculum. Some public schools may also offer elective courses in religious studies or comparative religion. It is best to check with individual schools to see if they offer such classes.