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The Yangzte river in China.

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Q: The three gorges dam is on what river?
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How is the Three Gorges Dam different from the Glen Canyon Dam or Hoover Dam?

First the Three Gorges Dam is way bigger and second the Three Gorges Dam is located on the Yangtze River. The Yangtze river is used for commercial shipping and the Colorado river is not used for shipping so the Three Gorges Dam has locks on the side for the passing of ships

On what river is the Three Gorges Dam being built?

The Three Gorges Dam is being built on the Yangtze River in South Central China.

What river is the Three Gorges Dam built on?

The Three Gorges Dam is built on the Yangtze River in China. It is the world's largest hydropower project.

Where is three gorges dam?

The three gorges dam is in china along the Yangtze River. The dam site is 27 miles upstream from Yichang City.

What country is the three gorges dam located?

The Three Gorges Dam is located on the Chang Jiang (Yangtze River) between Chongquig and Wuhan.

Where was the three gorges dam built?

The Three Gorges Dam was built on the Yangtze River in China. It spans across the provinces of Hubei and Sichuan.

What is a source of hydroelectric power?

A hydroelectric river dam like, Three Gorges Dam.

The three Gorges Dam is being constructed on which Chinese river?

The three Gorges dam is built on Yangtze river. It is a hydro electric project and has world's largest installed capacity (22,500 MW).

What country is the three gorges dam in?

The Three Gorges Dam is located in China. It spans the Yangtze River in Hubei province and is one of the largest hydropower projects in the world.

What dam is being built across the Yangtze river in china to prevent flooding?

The Three Gorges Dam

What is Three Gorges Dam?

The purpose of the 3 gorges dams are to establish a modern way of living, or atleast to help. the 3 gorges dam was an idea that was invented in 1909 and was approved on 1992 and finished 2009.

A dam on which river has created one of the world's largest reservoirs?

The Three Gorges Dam on the Yangtze River in China has created one of the world's largest reservoirs, known as the Three Gorges Reservoir. It is used for flood control, hydropower generation, and improving navigation along the river.