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The three principal methods used to legally describe real property are metes and bounds, rectangular survey system (also known as the government survey system), and lot and block (also known as recorded plat) system. These methods help accurately identify and define the boundaries of land parcels for legal and surveying purposes.

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Where can someone legally burn paper?

Most municipalities allow paper to be burned in outdoor fire pits or designated burn areas with a proper permit. It is important to check local regulations and obtain any necessary permits before burning paper to ensure compliance with fire safety laws.

Can factories and power plants release toxins pollution in limited amounts legally?

Yes, factories and power plants can release toxins and pollution legally, as long as they comply with regulations set by environmental protection agencies. This includes obtaining permits, monitoring emissions, and meeting established pollution control standards to minimize the impact on the environment and public health.

What is the hottest temperature you can legally work in?

There is no specific maximum temperature set by law, but it is recommended that temperatures in indoor workplaces should be at least 60-86°F (16-30°C) for sedentary work. Employers are required to provide a safe working environment, including measures to prevent heat stress in extreme temperatures.

How much does an acre of rain-forest cost?

The cost of an acre of rainforest can vary significantly depending on location, condition, and ownership rights. In general, prices can range from a few hundred to several thousand dollars per acre. areas that are legally protected or have unique biodiversity may be more expensive.

What is the difference between environmental law and environmental policies?

Environmental law refers to the rules and regulations that are legally binding and enforceable on individuals and organizations to protect the environment. Environmental policies, on the other hand, are guidelines and principles set by governments or organizations to address environmental issues, but they are not always legally binding. In essence, environmental laws have the force of law while environmental policies are frameworks for action.

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Can a minor legally own property in Oregon?

A minor cannot legally own property. Property can be held in trust for the minor until they reach the age of majority, usually 18.

Does Massachusetts require probate following a death?

If the decedent owned any property- yes. Real property cannot pass to the heirs legally until the estate is probated.If the decedent owned any property- yes. Real property cannot pass to the heirs legally until the estate is probated.If the decedent owned any property- yes. Real property cannot pass to the heirs legally until the estate is probated.If the decedent owned any property- yes. Real property cannot pass to the heirs legally until the estate is probated.

Can a judgment creditor seize legally owned firearms?

most likely, property is property

What rights do one have to property if you are not married?

If you are not on the deed you have no rights in the property. If you are not legally married and the owner dies you have no legal rights in the property.

How do you quit claim a property if the owner is dead?

If the person died owning real property their estate must be probated in order for title to the real property to pass to the heirs legally. Until that is done no one owns the property legally. The decedent's property cannot be distributed until their debts have been paid. You need to contact an attorney who specializes in probate law.If the person died owning real property their estate must be probated in order for title to the real property to pass to the heirs legally. Until that is done no one owns the property legally. The decedent's property cannot be distributed until their debts have been paid. You need to contact an attorney who specializes in probate law.If the person died owning real property their estate must be probated in order for title to the real property to pass to the heirs legally. Until that is done no one owns the property legally. The decedent's property cannot be distributed until their debts have been paid. You need to contact an attorney who specializes in probate law.If the person died owning real property their estate must be probated in order for title to the real property to pass to the heirs legally. Until that is done no one owns the property legally. The decedent's property cannot be distributed until their debts have been paid. You need to contact an attorney who specializes in probate law.

Is your child's mother legally entitled to keep your property after you move out?


Can you legally have a car towed from your property?

Yes, you can have an unwanted vehicle removed from your property any time you wish.

Can you discard property left on your property?

You can discard property that is left on your property. In order to avoid problems, you should attempt to contact the owners first but you don't legally have to.

Slaves were legally classified as property or?

Slaves were legally classified as property. They were considered to be owned by their masters and could be bought, sold, and inherited like other forms of property. This legal classification contributed to the dehumanization and exploitation of enslaved individuals.

Does your spouse have any right to anything bought during your marriage while she was still married to her previous husband?

In the United States, your "spouse" was not legally married to you if she was still legally married to her previous husband. In order to be legally married to you she must have obtained a divorce, waited the statutory nisi period if any, and then married you legally. If she married you knowing that she was already married then she violated the law.In a community property state, that property would not be community property. You may need to seek a court order if you cannot divide the property by a mutual agreement. You should consult with an attorney who can review your situation and explain your rights and options.In the United States, your "spouse" was not legally married to you if she was still legally married to her previous husband. In order to be legally married to you she must have obtained a divorce, waited the statutory nisi period if any, and then married you legally. If she married you knowing that she was already married then she violated the law.In a community property state, that property would not be community property. You may need to seek a court order if you cannot divide the property by a mutual agreement. You should consult with an attorney who can review your situation and explain your rights and options.In the United States, your "spouse" was not legally married to you if she was still legally married to her previous husband. In order to be legally married to you she must have obtained a divorce, waited the statutory nisi period if any, and then married you legally. If she married you knowing that she was already married then she violated the law.In a community property state, that property would not be community property. You may need to seek a court order if you cannot divide the property by a mutual agreement. You should consult with an attorney who can review your situation and explain your rights and options.In the United States, your "spouse" was not legally married to you if she was still legally married to her previous husband. In order to be legally married to you she must have obtained a divorce, waited the statutory nisi period if any, and then married you legally. If she married you knowing that she was already married then she violated the law.In a community property state, that property would not be community property. You may need to seek a court order if you cannot divide the property by a mutual agreement. You should consult with an attorney who can review your situation and explain your rights and options.

What does separate property state mean?

Briefly it means that legally married people can own property in their own, sole capacity, even when acquired after marriage. Their spouse is not automatically given any interest in that property as they would be in a community property state.Briefly it means that legally married people can own property in their own, sole capacity, even when acquired after marriage. Their spouse is not automatically given any interest in that property as they would be in a community property state.Briefly it means that legally married people can own property in their own, sole capacity, even when acquired after marriage. Their spouse is not automatically given any interest in that property as they would be in a community property state.Briefly it means that legally married people can own property in their own, sole capacity, even when acquired after marriage. Their spouse is not automatically given any interest in that property as they would be in a community property state.

Can you change the locks on your house right away legally after a breakup?

If you own the property, you can legally change the locks whenever you want.