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The time it takes a planet to rotate (spin) on its own axis is called its day. Earth has a day of 24 hours. Jupiters is the smallest in the solar system at about 9 hours 55 minutes; Venus takes about 243 days to rotate once.

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16y ago

Year. did you know that a Venian (Venus) day is longer than it's year?

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14y ago

revolution or if you are on Mars you would call it a martian year jovian year for Jupiter ect

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11y ago

it is its period of revolution and that's a year

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Its year, which (except for the Earth, the moon, and a few Earth-orbit asteroids) will be different from ouryear.

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Q: The time a planet takes to make a single trip around the sun is its?
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The time a planet takes to make a single trip around the sun is called what?

For a planet in our solar system, one revolution around the Sun is called a "year." Each planet has a different year. As you know, Earth takes 365.25 days to follow its orbit around the Sun, though Jupiter's year is about 4335 earth days. It all depends on how long it takes each one to revolve around the Sun.

Which planet takes about 687 days to orbit?

Mars takes around 687 days to make one orbit of our sun.

How long does it take a planet to revolve around the sun?

It depends on a few things. The orbital period is a function o the planets mass and it's distance from the sun - see Keplers laws of planetary motion. Mercury is the closest planet to the sun and takes 88 days to make one orbit. Neptune is the furthest planet and takes nearly 165 years to make one orbit.

Is the year on other planet same as on the earth?

A year is a measure of the time it takes a planet to make one complete circle (circuit) around the Sun. Each planet in our Solar system has a different length year. To make things simple, astronomers can use the number of Earth years a planet takes to orbit the Sun once. Everyone understands time expressed in Earth days.

What planet has the slowest rotation rate?

The velocity of a planet around the sun is inversely related to the distance from the sun. So the slowest planets are the ones farthest out. If you consider Pluto a planet, it takes the longest time to revolve around the sun. If you do not consider Pluto a planet, then Neptune would be the farthest planet from the sun and takes the longest time to revolve around the sun.

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The time a planet takes to make a single trip around the sun is called?

The time a planet takes to make a single trip around the sun is called its orbital period or year.

The time a planet takes to make a single trip around the sun is its of revolution?

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What is the time it takes a planet to make a single trip around the sun?

This is known as the planets orbital period. For the Earth, this is one year.

What is a time a planet takes to make a single trip around the sun?

This is known as the planets orbital period. For the Earth, this is one year.

What planet takes 88 Earth days to make one trip around the sun?

The planet that takes 88 days to make one trip around the sun is Mercury. It is the smallest planet in the solar system.

The time a planet takes to make a single trip around the sun is called what?

For a planet in our solar system, one revolution around the Sun is called a "year." Each planet has a different year. As you know, Earth takes 365.25 days to follow its orbit around the Sun, though Jupiter's year is about 4335 earth days. It all depends on how long it takes each one to revolve around the Sun.

1 year on Venus?

One year on Venus is equivalent to about 225 Earth days. This is because Venus takes about 225 Earth days to orbit around the sun once. Additionally, Venus has a retrograde rotation, meaning it rotates on its axis in the opposite direction compared to most other planets.

Amount of time it takes a planet to make one orbit around the sun?

It's called the planet's "YEAR".

Which planet takes 164 earth years to move around the sun?

Neptune, the furthest planet from the sun, takes around 164 years to make one orbit of the sun (164.79132 years).

Which planet takes longest to make a complete revolution around the sun?

Neptune takes the longest as it is the farthest away.

What is it called when the time it takes a planet to make one complete orbit around the sun NOT A YEAR?

It is called the planet's period.

What planet takes 1.88 earth years to orbit the sun?

The planet Mars, which is the fourth planet from the sun, takes 1.88 Earth years to make one full orbit around the sun.