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The surgical treatment of carpel tunnel syndrome is called "Carpal tunnel release". This is a procedure that cuts into the ligament that is putting pressure on the nerve. Surgery is usually successful however the degree of success depends on severity and duration of nerve compression.

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Related questions

Carpal tunnel syndrome occurs in what region of the body?

in themiddle of the inside of the hand just below the wrist. Go to the related link (carpal tunnel syndrome) below for a diagram.

Can Carpal Tunnel syndrome cause a small at this minute in time type of bruise on back of hand near index finger and thumb?

Carpal Tunnel Syndrome is not known to cause bruising. Possibly you had a small injury and didn't notice it at the time.

What is the most computer related type of carpal tunnel syndrome?

Computer use has not really been shown to be a cause of carpal tunnel syndrome. However, it may be an aggravating factor in someone who already has a case of carpal tunnel syndrome or repetitive strain injury. There have been several studies that have shown no real coorealtion between the two, probably the best known one was from Harvard medical school.

What is the is the most commonly known neuroplastic procedure?

Carpal tunnel surgery

How else is the carpal tunnel syndrome disease known?

It is known as a repetitive stress injury, as it most commonly occurs in individuals who engage in motions that require the hands to repeat the same movements over and over again.

Which of the bodily systems does neuropathy effect?

Neuropathy is damage to a single nerve or nerve group. It may involve any part of the body. One of the more commonly known types of neuropathy is Carpal tunnel syndrome.

Why does Alex Trebek have a cast on his left wrist?

No public announcement has been made about why Jeopardy host Alex Trebeck was wearing a cast on his left wrist in February 2014. However, Trebeck does suffer from carpal tunnel syndrome, so this is a possible reason.

How can you make carpal tunnel go away?

There are no known treatments to cure Carpal Tunnel Syndrome, but there are many treatments that you can do from home such as ice, rest, (no typing), wrist supports, and massage therapy. These natural carpal tunnel treatments have been proven to bring relief to some individuals suffering from carpal tunnel pain. See your doctor if pain worsens or persists.

What nerve is known as carpenter nerve?

The median nerve (originating from the brachial plexus, C5-C8 and T1) supplies the anterior forearm muscles and the thenar muscles. It can be compressed at the carpal tunnel, resulting in some degree of sensory deficit to fingers 1-3 and weakness in thumb movement (carpal tunnel syndrome). (from The Anatomy Coloring Book, Wynn Kapit and Lawrence M. Elson, 2002)

Are ergonomic laptop desks known to decrease carpal tunnel syndrome?

The National Institute of Health and Mayo Clinic state that while ergonomic devices may help to alleviate some of the pain associated with carpal tunnel, the devices will not necessarily prevent a reoccurrence. Other measures to relieve the pain are wearing a wrist splint at night to keep the wrist in a neutral position, frequent breaks from computer work, and stretching will also decrease the pain.

Can you get arthritis from typing too much?

Typing can cause repetitive stress syndrome leading to carpal tunnel problems or tennis elbow. Usually this happens if you sit at the wrong height, or type with fingers in isolation. That is the reason people should learn touch typing if they use the computer for any great length of time. Basically if you are feeling pain after typing, you should examine what you are doing wrong. If you ignore the pain for too long, you may end up needing carpal tunnel surgery.

How to relieve pain due to severe carpal tunnel syndrome?

AnswerCarpal tunnel syndrome is an inflamed tendon that is caused by overuse of the hand/thumb/wrist in a repetitive motion. So, periodically ice the sore wrist (15 minutes on and off), take ibuprofen or aleve, and rest the wrist. Using a splint if you must continue to do the motion is helpful. If this is a repeat issue, try alternative medicine, like acupuncture or low laser therapy. Magnets are not usually effective, so you will spend money without lasting effect. At last resort is surgery, but often the outcome is less than desirable.AnswerActually, carpal tunnel syndrome (CTS) is a condition caused by pressure on the median nerve as it passes through a canal in your wrist called the carpal tunnel. Inflamed tendons etc...that also pass through this area too can put pressure on the median nerve and eventually cause CTS.There are a lot of things that can cause carpal tunnel syndrome....obesity, diabetes, pregnancy, hypothyroidism, arthritis....and of course over useage, although this is debated by many experts. Therefore you really have to try and find out what the cause is to offer the best treatment. (ex. Ice can make things worse if your CTS is from arthritis. Follow label directions on Motrin and the like especially if you have ulcers or heart disease. Night splints can help relieve symptoms by 75% if used regularly.I don't agree withe the comment at he top of this page regarding the outcome of carpel tunnel surgery I have had it done in both hands and it turned out to be the bet move I have ever made. My mother who suffers from Rheumatoid arthritis as I do had the same thing done and was satisfied with the results, I also have a brother that does not Have RA who also had to have it done and he also would recomend it to any one.