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The substance is most likely to have Hydrogen bonding between its molecules.

There are three major types of intermolecular bonding, which determine the phase of a substance at room temperature (whether its a solid liqiud or gas). Substances which are strongly bonded are more likely to be solids, which substances with very weak bonds are more likely to be gases. Think of the strength of the bond as a glue, the stronger the glue, the more molecules will stick together to be a solid, the weaker the glue, the easier it will be for them to float away as a gas.

In order of decreasing strength, these forces are:

1. Atomic Network, or covalent molecular bonding, such as diamond.

2. Ionic bonding, such as sodium chloride.

3. Molecular bonding. This consists of two varietys

3.1 Hydrogen Bonding and

3.2 Van der Waals bonds

The first two types of bonding are extremely strong types of bonding, therefore any substance at room temperature with these bonds will definitely be a solid. Substances in which Hydrogen bonds or van der Waals bonds are present are more likely to be liquids and gases. As van der Waals bonds are weaker than Hydrogen bonds, substances with van der Waals bonds are most likely to be gases, while substances which are liquid are most likely to be liquid.

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2w ago

The type of bonding in a substance that is a liquid at room temperature is likely to be either covalent or metallic bonding. Covalent bonding involves sharing of electrons between atoms, while metallic bonding involves a sea of delocalized electrons among metal atoms. Both types of bonding can result in substances that are liquid at room temperature.

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