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Q: The visual expression of an idea or experience formed with skill through the use of a medium is how the text defines?
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What is formed around the conductor whenever an electric current flows through a conductor?

A magnetic field is formed around the conductor when an electric current flows through it. The strength of the magnetic field is directly proportional to the magnitude of the current flowing through the conductor.

What is formed when light cannot pass through an object?

When light cannot pass through an object, a shadow is formed. Shadows are created when an object blocks the path of light, causing the area behind the object to appear darker.

Where is energy formed?

Energy is formed through processes such as photosynthesis in plants, where sunlight is converted into chemical energy. It is also formed through the combustion of fossil fuels, where chemical energy stored in the fuels is released as heat and light energy. In nuclear reactions, energy is formed by splitting atoms (fission) or fusing atoms together (fusion).

How an electric current formed?

An electric current is formed when a flow of charged particles, usually electrons, moves through a conducting material such as a wire. This flow is generated by a voltage difference, which creates an electric field that pushes the charged particles through the conductor.

Are shadows are formed when light passes through a transparent object?

Shadows are formed when light is blocked by an opaque object, preventing the light from reaching a surface and creating a dark area behind the object. Transparent objects allow light to pass through them, so they do not create shadows.

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What year was the Jimi Hendrix Experience formed?

The Jimi Hendrix Experience was formed in October 1966.

What was Buddha's experience?

When Prince Gautam became Buddha through meditation,his first experience was salvation of soul through service of mankind and thereby attaining God. This ideology formed the basis of Buddhism ,which has been continuing for thousands of years.

How birth certificate number is formed?

your name defines a code that will reveal your birth certificate number

How is your psychological concept formed?

Through experience. What has happened to you in your life? What have you done? What have other taught you? It also depends on your approach to psychology, but I think it has mostly to do with experience and in a small part how your brain has developed biologically.

A mathematical sentence formed by setting two expression equal?

an equation

What is the name of the expression that is formed by using logical operators?

Ternary operator

What is a math expression for 5th grade?

A mathematical expression is a finite combination of symbols which are well-formed in accordance with rules that depend on the context.

How are attitudes formed?

An attitude can be formed from the persons present and past. It is an expression of favor or disfavor toward a person, place, thing or event.

What is a preconceived opinion that is formed without?

A preconceived opinion formed without proper evidence or experience is called a prejudice. Prejudices are often based on stereotypes or misinformation, making it important to challenge and reevaluate them through education and exposure to diverse perspectives.

How is a channel formed?

channels are formed through proteins

When was the jimi Hendrix experience born?

Formed October 1966