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Q: There's a tissue or structure which is located superior to the hyoid bone there are two words in the name of this tissue or structure what is it?
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There's a tissue or structure which is located superior to the hyoid bone there are two words in the name of this tissue or structure the second letter of the first word is an a and the fifth an?

naxtis porabristo

A group of cells with similar structure and function plus the extracellular substances located between them describes?


A group of cells that have the same structure and function?

A group of cells that have similar structure and functions is called tissue. Some examples of tissue include muscles, skin and bone.

What vein drains the muscle tissue of abdominal wall?

superior mesenteric

Tissue that has a supportive function in an organ or tissue is called?

Connective tissue functions in both support and structure.

What is a definition of a tissue cell?

generally, tissue means a group of cells having same structure and function. so, a tissue cell is one, involved in the tissue having same structure and functions as all the other cells involved in that particular tissue.

What is the structure in roots that separate the vascular tissue from the ground tissue in plants?


What is soft tissue prominence?

Soft tissue prominence is the growth of soft tissue that is undefined. Such tissue is not related to the structure of the body or a normal organ.

Which body structure requires the most brain tissue?

Only the brain will have brain tissue

What structure is found in cardiac muscle tissue but not skeletal muscle tissue?

Heart and Stomach

What is a tissue that forms a hard structure?


What tissue is specialized to conduct electrical signals from one structure in the body to another structure?

The nervous system conducts electrical signals from one structure to another. For example from the brain to the muscles for movement.