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If there are 14 people sitting evenly spaced around a circle which person is directly across for the 2nd person?

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Q: There are 18 students in a circle evenly spaced and consecutively numbered Which student is directly opposite student 1?
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There are 18 students standing in a circle evenly spaced and consecutively numbered which student is directly opposite student 1?

Long Answer: I found it's actually more difficult to draw these 'students standing evenly spaced in a circle' problems with large numbers of students than it is to just develop a rule for the problem using more simplistic circles (such as a circle with four or eight students). Anyway a general rule for these problems is x+(1/2*t)=y, where x is the number of the particular student (1, in this case), t is the total number of students in the circle (must be an even number, otherwise they can't be standing directly opposite) and y will be the number of the student that the student you have picked is facing. Just a note that, obviously, if you picked student number 18 in this case, this would work out to student number 27. All you have to do in this case is subtract 18 from this number. So student number 18 would be facing student number 9. So if y in the above equation is greater than the total number of students, simply subtract the total number of students from the number you get. Short Answer: 1+(1/2*18)= 1+9 = 10 Student 1 will be facing Student 10.

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If there are 18 students standing in a perfectly even circle Which student is directly opposite student number 1?

Student #10 is directly across from student #1. In order to evenly pair the sides of the circle, there must be 9 students in each hemicircle, across from the other 9, who will each have a number 9 higher. Student 10 is the first student of the second 9, numbers 10 through 18.

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if there are 18 students evenly spaced in a circle who is across from student 5?

Trust but verify so do the math yourself and see if you agree with me... Maybe I am having a joke at your expense... I am TheRealSarcasmO, also why do I feel like I might be helping you with your homework? That being said, if there are 18 students evenly spaced in a circle, the student directly across from student 5 would be student 14. To determine which student is directly opposite student 5 in a circle with 18 students, we can use a simple formula. First, we need to find the total number of students in the circle, which is 18. Next, we subtract the number of the student we’re looking for (in this case, 5) from the total number of students (18). Finally, we add 9 to the result to get the number of the student directly across from student 5. So, 18 - 5 = 13, and 13 + 9 = 22. But since there are only 18 students in the circle, we need to subtract 18 from 22 to get the final answer: 22 - 18 = 4. Therefore, student 5 is directly across from student 14. The answer should be correct I used old math. if you use new math the answer is half past the student that identifies as a cat. To explain this so you can figure for any situation suppose there are n students evenly spaced in a circle. To determine which student is directly opposite student k, we can use the following formula: (k + n/2) % n. So, for example, if there are 18 students in the circle and we want to find the student directly across from student 5, we can use the formula: (5 + 18/2) % 18 = 14. Bazinga! Student 5 is directly across from student 14. Thank you very much... I bid you adu....

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